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Botanical tulips for your garden

Along with large-flowered garden tulips, there are species, the so-called "botanical tulips". These tulips are especially easy to grow in the garden as they can be left in the soil for the winter after flowering and will bloom again next year!

Tulipa dasystemon tardaTulipa humilis Pulchella Persian Pearl

Botanical tulips are often called wild or "dwarf" tulips because of their short stature. Due to their low height, these tulips are excellent for growing in flower beds, rockeries, as well as in very limited areas. The existing large selection of various botanical tulips allows you to create a real kaleidoscope of colors in the garden or in flower containers.

Tulipa urumiensisTulipa dasystemon tarda

In recent years, botanical tulip varieties have consistently won the title of "flower bulb of the year", which speaks volumes about their ever-growing popularity. The bulbs of botanical tulips are smaller than the bulbs of most garden tulips, from 6 to 10 cm in circumference, but the number of bulbs in the ground is steadily increasing from year to year. Wild tulips look unusually charming both on their own and in a variety of compositions with other spring flowers.

These tulips are planted in autumn. Plant a variety of botanical tulips in a sunny spot and admire their abundant bloom from April to June. You may not dig them out after flowering, but leave them without digging for 4-5 years. Each spring, the bulbs will start to bloom and will bloom their gorgeous flowers again.

Tulipa kolpakowskianaTulipa dasystemon tarda

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