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New Year's bouquet

A bright bouquet of fresh flowers in the middle of winter is always an exciting and even a little shocking event. It is all the more pleasant to receive fresh flowers as a gift on the most winter holidays of the year - New Years. The widespread tradition in Europe to give flower bouquets for New Year's holidays is becoming more and more popular in our country. New Year's bouquets are not only a wonderful decoration for a festive room, but also an original gift for friends or business partners.

The New Year's bouquet combines the attributes of a winter holiday that are familiar to us - sprigs of spruce, fir, pine, thuja, cypress with various additions from Christmas balls, stars, bells, candles, pieces of fur, ribbons, cones, berries - and fresh flowers. Traditionally, the composition of New Year's bouquets includes the so-called "winter" flowers: hippeastrum, rose, carnation, lily, chrysanthemum, anthurium, gusmania. Today florists add tulips, gerberas, hydrangeas, orchids and even bells to winter compositions.

Usually, New Year's bouquets of flowers are performed in contrasting colors or, conversely, in one color scheme in light or pastel colors. Classic New Year's color duets: green - red, green - white, green - blue, where the main green color - the color of the needles - allows you to use almost any other color as an addition. The main decoration of the New Year's bouquet is a living flower, all other components of the bouquet are designed only to set off the harmonious combination of delicate colors of the flower and greenery of the needles created by the florist.

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