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Cyclamen purple (European)

Cyclamen purple is widespread in Europe both in the wild and in gardens. This is the northernmost of the cyclamen, but in countries with a harsh climate, including ours, this type of cyclamen is grown only as a potted plant. Cyclamen purple does not have a pronounced dormant period, it remains with leaves all year round. Flowering occurs in the summer (from June to September-October). Many varieties have a delicate, pleasant aroma.

Cyclamen purple

Cyclamen purple (Cyclamen purpurascens) better known under the name European cyclamen, however, this name is not entirely correct. Under the name "European cyclamen", three types of cyclamens that can grow in Europe went on sale at once - cyclamen purple(Cyclamen purpurascens), cyclamen notched(Cyclamen repandum) and ivy cyclamen(Cyclamen hederifolium)... At one time it was accepted to consider the names "purple" and "European" as synonyms, but in 1972 at the conference of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature in Seattle the name "European" was completely canceled.

More often than purple cyclamen, Persian cyclamens are on sale (See Persian cyclamen: home care). These two species differ in their biology and require different care, so it is very important to know how to distinguish Persian cyclamen from purple cyclamen when purchased. You can find the statement that the flowers of Persian cyclamen are larger, however, with an abundance of modern varieties, it is difficult to distinguish between these two species by size, color or flower shape. There is also an opinion that only purple cyclamen flowers smell, which is also wrong.

The reverse side of the sheet of c. purple

The most striking distinguishing feature is the color of the underside of the leaf - at c. purple it is anthocyanin, in c. Persian - green. Usually tuber of c. Persian protrudes above the ground level, and the tuber of c. purple is immersed in the ground entirely. In the future, it will be possible to navigate the structure of the tuber itself - at c. Persian, it is spherical-flattened, does not form daughter tubers, the roots extend from the lower surface of the tuber. At ts. purple tuber grows over time and gives daughter, and the roots are located over its entire surface.

In autumn and winter, Persian cyclamens are sold in bloom, in spring and summer - c. purple. There are natural varieties of cyclamen purple:

  • C. purpurascens f. purpurascens - flowers from pink to purple;
  • C. purpurascens f. carmineolineatum - the flowers are white, with a thin strip of carmine color;
  • C. purpurascens f. album - the flowers are completely white.

There are few varieties.

The advantages of purple cyclamen include its year-round decorativeness due to beautiful leaves with silvery stains, as well as the fact that its flowering only improves with age.

Cyclamen purpleCyclamen Purple Album

When growing cyclamen purple, you need to focus on the conditions in which it thrives in the wild. It is a forest plant that grows on a litter, most often under beeches. He needs a place protected from the sun and an abundant supply of moisture throughout the year, since he does not shed leaves. In nature, this plant can tolerate frosts down to -20 ° C, but like many other tuberous plants, it can suffer from rot if extreme cold is associated with excessive soil moisture.

The acquisition of this type of cyclamen usually occurs already in the warm season, when there is no threat of freezing the plant on the way home. You should stop your choice on a plant that has just begun flowering. Its leaves should be dense, without yellowness and soft brown spots, without gray mold. The tuber is usually completely submerged in the ground, only the very top can protrude (the roots are located at the bottom and on the sides of the tuber, therefore it is buried in deeper than the c. Persian).

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Cyclamen Purple Green Lake

Temperature. In order to ensure long-term flowering, in the summer it is necessary to find a cool room (+17 ... + 19 ° C). In winter, cooler conditions are needed, up to + 15 ° C, you can put pots between the window frames.

Watering regular in summer, the soil should not dry out too much, but excessive watering leads to rotting of the tuber. It is better to water from above, gently, along the edge of the pot, trying not to get on the leaves and tuber. Excess water from the sump should be drained shortly after watering. Water for irrigation should be at the temperature of the room where the plant stands, or 2-4 degrees warmer. In autumn, the cyclamen ends flowering and enters a resting period without shedding leaves (the leaves will be replaced next summer, simultaneously with flowering). In the autumn-winter period, watering is reduced, but not completely stopped.

Top dressing. Cyclamen is fed purple from spring to autumn with half doses of fertilizer with a low nitrogen content (universal fertilizer is suitable). Top dressing begins no earlier than a month after the acquisition of the plant. During the rest period, they are completely stopped.

Transfer. Cyclamen purple is transplanted not often, every 2-4 years. It is better to do this before the start of a new wave of growth (in spring), carefully transferring it into a slightly larger pot. The tuber is completely covered with soil, but not deeply buried.


Cyclamen purple Green Ice

Propagated cyclamen purple seeds or dividing the tuber.

With age, the tuber of this cyclamen can give rise to daughter branches, which are easily separated from the mother tuber. This should be done during the rest period, after carefully treating the wounds with charcoal or Fundazol, be sure to dry it before planting.

The seeds are germinated similarly to the seeds of Persian cyclamen (link). After flowering and pollination (at home - artificial), the peduncle curls up in a spiral and tilts the box with seeds to the ground. The seeds ripen the next summer, it is better to sow them immediately after opening the capsule. When grown from their own seeds, splitting can be expected in the offspring; young cyclamens may differ from the original plants.

Diseases and pests

Of the diseases, cyclamens are most often affected by gray rot, a gray bloom appears on the leaves, the leaves begin to rot. This fungal disease occurs when care is not followed, due to waterlogging of the soil, lack of good ventilation and wetting of the leaves when watering. Change the care, remove the affected leaves, treat with fungicides.

With regular waterlogging of the soil, rotting of the tuber occurs. The disease does not respond well to treatment, but you can try to remove all rotten parts of the tuber, sprinkle with charcoal or Fundazol, dry it and plant it in a fresh substrate.

When affected by various mites (spider, cyclamen, etc.), the leaves become yellow and deformed. The plant often stops growing, whitish or grayish bloom can be seen on the leaves, flowers and peduncles can also be deformed. Spider mites are activated at high temperatures and dry air, cyclamen multiply more actively at high air humidity (80-90%). Adjust conditions and treat with acaricide.

When aphids are affected, these small winged insects or their sticky secretions are present on the leaves. It is necessary to treat with an insecticide.

If silvery streaks appear on the leaves and flowers, the flowers are deformed, and the leaves are often bent upward, then this may be a thrips lesion. Damaged leaves and flowers are removed, the plant is placed in an isolator, treated with an insecticide. It is also advisable to take a close look at other plants in the house.

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