
Needle jam with rose hips

Type of preserves and jams Ingredients

Pine (spruce), per 200 g needles:

rose hips - 100 g of fruits,

water - 1.5 l,

sugar - 700 g

lemon - 2 pcs.

Cooking method

Rinse the needles, dry and chop finely. Grind the rose hips in a blender, mix with the needles. Pour boiling water over the mixture and leave for 12 hours.

Then strain the infusion, add sugar and put on fire. Bring to a boil and add the juice squeezed from the lemons (pre-pour the lemons with boiling water). Cook over low heat until tender.


This unusual and very tasty jam perfectly strengthens the immune system and serves as a reliable protection during the period of seasonal colds.

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