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Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the coconut tree

Monotypic genus of the Arecaceae (Palm) family Arecaceae (Palmae), containing only one species - Coconut coconut (Cocos nucifera), the famous Coconut palm. She is an inhabitant of the oceanic coasts of the tropics. Speaking of a palm tree, you mentally draw yourself a flexible slender trunk, always inclined towards the sea, crowned with a luxurious crown of feathery fan leaves. Palm is a symbol of the tropics. The homeland of the palm tree still causes controversy among scientists - some attribute its Indo-Pacific origin to it, others consider it to be its homeland in tropical America. It is difficult to grow it indoors.

Full description "Coconut tree"

Question: I want to grow a coconut tree at home. How to do this and how long does it grow?

Answer: For indoor cultivation, the coconut tree is not very suitable. The fact is that she is able to live in an apartment for only a few months, and then inevitably dies. This is primarily due to insufficient illumination and low air humidity.

If you nevertheless decided and bought - give her the brightest place - the south or west window, hang a phytolamp or a white-light fluorescent lamp over it. Spray the leaves and air around the leaves at least 5-6 times a day. Better to get a humidifier. The air temperature should not be lower than + 25 ° C.

Another reason for the rapid death is transplantation. In a palm tree, in the initial period of life, fragile roots, if the main (tap) root is damaged, the plant dies. When transplanting, in no case separate the palm tree from the nut - it still feeds on the accumulated supply of nutrients.

Avoid waterlogging the soil, the root system quickly rots. The soil should dry out to the full depth of the pot between waterings.

Question: Can you grow a palm tree from a store nut?

Answer: It is possible. Most importantly, the nut must be fresh. For germination, the nut is placed in hot water, constantly maintaining its temperature at + 45-60 (up to + 80) ° C, or in wet sand or peat at a temperature of + 25-30 ° C, while the nut is buried in the substrate no more, than half. At the base of each nut, there are three seedling pores ("eyes") that look like small depressions. But only one of them serves for the emergence of the seedling.

It takes 1 to 2 months for a fresh, ripe nut to germinate. After the roots appear, the nut is transplanted into a pot at the same depth and in the same position as it was before.

As you can see, sprouting a coconut is a rather long and painstaking business.

Question: The leaves of the palm grow pale, although I water and feed. What with her?

Answer: If watering and feeding are carried out regularly and competently, then, most likely, the reason is that the leaves are damaged by a pest - a spider mite. It is the most common pest that infects plants in a warm room with low air humidity. It is prevented by high moisture content of the air - not less than 55%.

If a cobweb is visible on the underside of the leaves, it is a clear sign of the presence of a pest. Spray the leaves from the underside with Agrovertin (Avertin, Akarin), Actellik, Neoron, Fitoverm preparations. Do not forget about personal protective equipment - glasses, gloves, respirator. Since the pest is very prolific, it is not easy to remove it, it may take several months to fight it.

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