Useful information

Syzygium Smith - Australian plant Lilly Pilly

Syzygium Smith, or Acmena Smith

This plant comes to our flower market under the name Akmena Smith(Acmena smithii). It was first described by D.E. Smith in 1787 under the title Eugene Elliptical (Eugenia elliptica), and two years later was awarded his name (Eugeniasmithii). In 1893 it was classified in the genus syzygium (Syzygiumsmithii), However, for many years the plant has been widely known precisely under the incorrect name of Acmene Smith, since some botanists distinguish acmene as a separate genus of myrtle plants.

Syzygium smithii

Syzygium Smith(Syzygiumsmithii) in nature - a small evergreen tree up to 6 m in height, originally from the northeast of Australia, where it is called Lilly Pilly. It grows in subtropical and humid tropical forests, usually along streams and ravines, where it sometimes suffers from floods. In mountainous areas it can grow up to 20 meters. The bark is orange-brown, exfoliates with age. Young growth is reddish, tetrahedral branches. Leaves are elliptical, 3-11 cm long and 1-5 cm wide, tapering towards the base and with a sharp tip, dark green, glossy, located opposite on the branches. Numerous etheric glands are clearly visible.

The flowers are creamy, showy, with many stamens, appear in summer (in Australia from October to March), collected in apical inflorescences. After 4-5 months, rounded berries ripen up to 2 cm in diameter, from whitish to dark purple, edible, but not delicious, used for making jams and drinks, at home in Australia they serve as food for many species of birds.

Syzygium Smith grows well in a wide range of environmental conditions with minimal effort, surprisingly resistant to wildfires for a tropical tree. This makes it, on the one hand, a valuable ornamental plant, but on the other hand, due to its high adaptability, it poses a threat to native species, which is encountered in New Zealand.

Syzygium smithii

Smith's syzygium tolerates moist soils, is not resistant to drought, can grow in direct sun and shade, withstand low temperatures and even light frosts, tolerates poor soils, but prefers heavy fertile loams.

Syzygium Smith is used for outdoor gardening in countries from tropical climates to temperate latitudes, dense screens are grown from it or used in single plantings and fairly high hedges, because it can be difficult to keep it in small volumes. There are many decorative varieties, including compact and variegated.


Maintenance and care in room conditions

Syzygium smithii

We have Smith's syzygium grown as a pot plant, usually sold as a small standard tree.

Lighting. The placement is bright, preferably in direct sunlight.

Watering abundant, the plant does not at all tolerate even a short-term drying out of the substrate. To keep the soil moist throughout the hot summer day, it is necessary to plant the plant in a pot of sufficient size and be sure to add clay (turf soil) and sand to the purchased peat soil. Bring acidity to neutral.

Transplanted a plant as the entire coma of earth is filled with roots, young specimens are usually annually in spring, adults every few years.

Top dressing. During the growing season, they are fed with universal fertilizers, slightly reducing the dose.

Syzygium Smith feels great outdoors in the summer on the balcony. When placing in direct sunlight, be careful not to overheat the pot.

In winter it is advisable to provide him with a cool, bright place, optimally on a glazed balcony, where the temperature does not drop below zero, cut watering, keep the substrate slightly moist. In late spring, fragrant, fluffy creamy flowers appear, collected in apical inflorescences. Fruits ripen late in the fall.

Breeds fresh seeds (seeds lose germination in a month) or cuttings.

The plant is resistant to parasites, however, damage to aphids, mealybugs and scale insects is possible.

Read more about pest control measures in the article Houseplant pests and control measures.

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