Useful information

About the properties of essential oil, pollen and pine resin

Continuation. Beginning in the article Unusual Scots pine.

The usefulness of pine is not limited to the healing properties of buds, needles, cones. For a long time, mankind has received no less valuable products from different parts of the plant - essential oil, resin, turpentine, tar and coal. 

Scots pine


Pine essential oil

Scots pine needles contain 0.19-1.15% essential oil. From 1 ton of pine greens, an average of 3-4 kg of pine essential oil is obtained by steam stripping. Other types of pine are also suitable for its production. Pine essential oil is light, flowing, colorless. The main aroma is deep, resinous, bitter, cool. Tonality shades: upper - soft, oily-camphor; medium - woody-coniferous; the bottom is soft, musky-dusty.

The main components of the essential oil: α- and β-pinene, camphene, sabinene, limonene, δ-carene, α- and β-fellandrene, myrcene, ocimene, thujene, camphor, caryophyllene, bornyl acetate. It has long been known that the pine forest has clean air and is easy to breathe. The needles give off highly volatile phytoncides, which have a strong bactericidal effect. Therefore, sanatoriums for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis are located in pine forests.

But it has only recently begun to study quantitatively the volatile emissions of pine and their effect on the human body. Firstly, interest in aromatherapy - treatment with essential oils - has grown, and secondly, appropriate scientific methods have been developed.

Inhalation of the vapors of pine essential oil increases the secretion of the bronchi, which contributes to the thinning and secretion of phlegm. Therefore, essential oil is used for throat catarrh and bronchitis, for rheumatism. Residential, medical and school premises are sprayed with an alcoholic solution of essential oil known as Forest Water.

Pine oil can be used in office and living quarters, hospital wards, kindergartens, schools, saunas to scent the air. In this case, almost all bacteria and viruses that cause diseases are killed.

Pine oil is a part of the preparations "Rivatinex", "Pinabin" and others for the treatment of urolithiasis, as well as in various inhalation mixtures for bronchial diseases.

An aqueous solution of pine essential oil (2-3 drops per glass of water) is used to treat periodontal disease.

When air aromatization with coniferous essential oils content of 0.1-0.5 mg / m3 in patients after myocardial infarction, angina attacks decreased or disappeared, blood pressure normalized, general conditions and sleep improved, and positive ECG dynamics was noted. In aerosol form, the essential oil is effective against staphylococcal infections.

Aromatherapists classify pine essential oil as an aromatic adaptogen. It is believed that the use of essential oil in an aroma lamp cleans and disinfects indoor air. Neutralizes nicotine smoke.

Essential oil from pine needles stimulates peripheral blood circulation, improves tissue trophism. Its external use relieves pain and eliminates edema in osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis, myositis, neuritis and neuralgia.

When used internally, pine oil is a decongestant, mild diuretic, promotes the dissolution of conglomerates in the kidneys and bladder, has an anti-inflammatory effect in cystitis, urethritis. Aromatherapists consider it a good hemostatic for traumatic bleeding.

A bit of mysticism: Bioenergy therapists say that pine oil eliminates pessimism, does not allow oneself to feel sorry for a single minute. A scent that prohibits shifting one's problems "from a sore head to a healthy one", explaining any of its failures by a coincidence of circumstances and the opposition of others. Stoic masculine scent. Eliminates aggression and impulsivity.It is an aromatic "cork" that allows young wine to "ferment" emotions and become a delicate wine. Pine is the ideal “Boss-Advisor” in HR management, avoiding pettiness, injustice and harsh criticism regarding the work of subordinates.

Pine is an experienced ethereal "surgeon" who professionally removes dead and decaying energy. Provides an opportunity to work out the problems that caused the formation of energy "mud". It encourages, first of all, not to look for a source of knowledge from anyone, but to look into your own world and the world around you. Opens the breath of the aura, refreshed by the influx of new High energy, born from an enlightened harmonious fusion with the life-giving forces of Air, Earth, Water and Fire.

There are many ways to use pine oil. We will try to tell you about some of them. The simplest is inhalation... Now it is fashionable to use special aroma-vaporizers. If you have this cute little thing on your farm, then 4-5 drops of oil are needed to “refuel” it. The session lasts 20 minutes. If you do not have an aroma-burner, then you can simply drop the same 4 drops on a rag or cotton swab and put it on the battery.

For colds, you can drop 2-3 drops into a bowl of boiling water, bend over it and breathe, breathe ... 5-10 minutes. This method of application will help to quickly cope with coughs and runny nose.

It is interesting: You can combine aromatherapy with breathing exercises and meditation. To perform breathing exercises that give the mindset for success and harmony with the world, apply 7 drops of pine oil on the palm of your hand, rub, bring your palms to your face 5-7 cm and, holding them vertically, in an appropriate time ratio of 1: 4: 2, do a deep inhale-hold the breath-exhale. The duration of the procedure increases gradually: from 1 to 7 minutes a day.

To prepare a bath you need 4-6 drops, which are mixed with milk, bath foam, honey, cream or sea salt. The resulting mixture is poured or poured into a bath. Such baths are indispensable for diseases of the respiratory tract and nervous system.

For a sauna, 2-3 drops are enough per 15 m2 of room.

Turpentine and pine essential oil, due to their easy lipid solubility, penetrate deeply into the skin, irritate it and reflexively cause some changes in the body. Therefore, sore joints were rubbed with turpentine to reduce pain and swelling.

To prepare massage oil, take 5-6 drops per 15 g of base oil. As a rule, it is peach, olive or just refined sunflower oil. For grinding sore joints, an ointment is prepared from 7 drops and 10 g of a base (lanolin, petroleum jelly). Similarly, you can prepare and turpentine ointment.

Inside, pine essential oil is used with honey or jam. The dose is 1 drop 1-2 times a day. Drink with orange or pineapple juice, tea, wine.

Lovers of something unusual can flavor dry tea leaves or wine with oil. However, the main thing here is not to overdo it.

Contraindications Pine oil should never be taken on an empty stomach. It cannot be used internally continuously for more than 7 days. The dose should not exceed 2 drops per day. You can not take oil orally for gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. Before internal and external use, check the oil for individual tolerance. At excessive concentrations, it can cause an allergic reaction, and when applied externally, it can irritate the skin.

Healing Pine Pollen

Pollen is also curative in pine, as in many other plants. It is harvested in May, during the flowering of the pine. Harvested in the morning. To do this, put a plastic bag on the flowering branches and knock on them with a stick. From blows, pollen spills out of the "inflorescences" and settles on the bottom and inner walls of the bag. The collected pollen is sieved through a sieve and spread in a thin layer on paper in a warm and dry place to dry. Scots pine pollen strobila

In recent years, valuable medicinal properties of pine pollen have been established.It turned out that this is a ready-made concentrate of various vitamins, microelements and other biologically active substances. In terms of its tonic and stimulating effect, it is close to such adaptogenic plants as ginseng, and increases the body's resistance to adverse environmental conditions. Pine pollen with honey is used for prostate adenoma, as well as a fortifying vitamin remedy after serious illnesses and operations. Swedish doctors have experimentally proven the high effectiveness of pollen in prostatitis and prostate adenoma. For the treatment of these diseases, it is mixed with slightly warmed bee honey in equal parts by volume. Take a mixture of 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before dinner, washed down with a small amount of boiled water or milk.



Pine resin tapping Pine resin, or turpentine, has very valuable medicinal properties. Sometimes oleoresin is called balsam. They get it by tapping.

Tapping is a technique for obtaining sap from trees, carried out by systematic cuts of sapwood. Tapping from conifers is used to extract sap, and from maple and birch - sugar juice. To obtain sap on the trunk of a coniferous tree, a karr is laid, i.e. a section of the trunk 10-20 cm wide and 40-50 cm long is freed from the bark. A longitudinal groove with a branch ("herringbone") is made in the sapwood of the wood to a depth of several annual rings. Under this groove, a receiver is attached to the tree. In front of the receiver, a bent metal plate is strengthened - a crumpon, along which the resin flows into the receiver. The liquid resin flowing out of the carry quickly hardens and tightens the wound. Therefore, the carr must be renewed from time to time, i.e. clean and apply a new brine higher than the first. This repeated injury is called a puff or swelling. In all pine forests designated for felling in 5-10 years, leshozes organize short-term tapping. With this method, several carr is laid on a tree, 5 years before it was cut down. When tapping on trees that are not intended for felling, lay 1 - 2 carr, which does not affect its viability. In deciduous forests, this method is used to obtain sweet sap from birch and some types of maple. To obtain juice in the trunks of trees during the period of sap flow, a hole is drilled with a brace at a height of 70 cm from the ground. The resulting juice is evaporated to a syrupy state. The syrup is used in the food industry. By a similar method of tapping, in tropical countries, milky juice is extracted from hevea to obtain rubber.

With furunculosis, the resin was smeared on the fabric and applied to the sore spots. Two to three days of such treatment led to the complete resorption of the boils. Collected from the trunk, it is recommended to swallow 5-6 grains per reception twice a day when coughing.

In the composition of the resin, from 15 to 30% of essential oil (turpentine) and 60-80% of resin are found. Turpentine, which mainly includes mono- and sesquiterpenoids, is called turpentine oil. The main components of turpentine oil: - α-pinene, β-pinene, karen, α-thuyene, camphene, myrcene, β-limonene (dipentene), camphor, β-pellandrene, γ-terpinene, n-cymene, terpinolene, bornyl acetate, borneol and isoborneol.

Purified turpentine oil is part of the preparation Olimetinum, which is used for urolithiasis and gallstone diseases.

After separation from the turpentine resin, rosin remains. Purified turpentine is industrially obtained from it, which is used for grinding with neuralgia, rheumatism, and sometimes taken orally one or two drops with milk, as well as for inhalation for putrid bronchitis and other lung diseases. However, turpentine is contraindicated in people with liver and kidney damage!

Turpentine has an irritating and antiseptic effect and is widely used externally for radiculitis, myositis, joint diseases, bronchiectasis, bronchitis and pulmonary tuberculosis.

Turpentine is added to baths during treatment according to the Zalmanov method and is used for inhalation.

Turpentine is used in various ointments, balms, in mixtures for rubbing as a skin irritating affinity for rheumatism, colds. It disinfects premises, refreshes the air. From it, turpentine hydrate is obtained, which is often used with codeine for coughing.

Rosin is included in various plasters. Tar is obtained from pine chips, which is used in ointments for the treatment of eczema, scabies and scaly lichen.

The following drugs can be found in the pharmacy:

  • Purified turpentine (Oleum Terebinthinae rectificatum). It is used in 10-15 drops per glass of hot water (for inhalation).
  • Complex turpentine liniment (Linimentum olei Terebinthinae compositum). Applied externally for rubbing with neuralgia, myositis, rheumatism.

Tar and coal

Pine tar is obtained by dry distillation. It is used in various ointments in the treatment of skin diseases. After dry distillation, coal remains in the cube. It is treated with steam at high temperature and activated carbon is obtained.

End in article Scots pine is not alone

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