
Pizza with mushrooms, mozzarella and arugula

Type of appetizer and salads Ingredients

For 8 servings:

ready-made dough - 600 g,

mozzarella - 200 g,

olive oil - 4 tablespoons spoons,

garlic - 4 cloves,

canned tomatoes - 800 g,

salt - ½ teaspoon,

dried oregano - ½ teaspoon,

fresh arugula - 200 g,

fresh champignons - 500 g,

fresh rosemary - ½ teaspoon,

fresh tomatoes - 300 g.

Cooking method

To prepare the pizza sauce: in a deep frying pan, heat 3 tablespoons of olive oil and fry 3 chopped garlic cloves; then put canned tomatoes in a frying pan, mash them with a spoon and simmer over medium heat for 15-20 minutes, then sprinkle the prepared sauce with dried oregano.

Roll out the finished pizza dough on a floured table with a rolling pin until a disc with a diameter of 40-50 cm is formed, determine the thickness as desired.

Prepare the pizza filling: chop the mushrooms and fry in the remaining olive oil and garlic in a pan.

Put the prepared pizza disc on a greased baking sheet. Grease the dough with cooked tomato sauce, leaving a border around the edges. Top with fried mushrooms, sprinkle with rosemary. Bake at 250 degrees for 6 minutes.

Before serving, garnish the pizza with mozzarella slices, finely chopped fresh tomatoes and arugula leaves.

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