Useful information

Rose garden

The color pink is loved by many. It is closer to bodily colors than other colors and, perhaps, that is why it is considered to be sensual. The palette of pink makes us dreamy. And the Russian person, as you know, loves to dream.

Different shades of pink are perceived differently. Light pink - gentle and touching. Along with other colors, they delicately recede into the background and create a winning backdrop for cool colors - blue and purple. In combination with blue, pale pink creates an exquisite pastel range. Together with silver, it gives a feeling of freshness and morning coolness. Adding dark pink spots to this combination avoids monotony.

Bright shades of pink are fraught with some danger. If there are too many of them, they look annoying. Therefore, in a small garden with a pink color, you need to be careful!

And finally, dark pink tones can look gloomy if there are no light colors next to them - pale pink, white, light blue. The combination of dark and light shades of pink looks spectacular. In this combination, light pink looks lighter, and dark pink takes on a noble shade.

Perennial plants for a rose garden

It is not that difficult to create a garden in pink tones. After all, there are many plants, the flowers of which nature has painted pink.

Blooms in early spring wolf's bast(daphne), which has pale pink flowers blooming on bare twigs. Despite all the beauty of this shrub, planting it in the garden where children play is not worth it. The red juicy berries of the wolf bast are poisonous, and their appearance inspires the child with an irresistible desire to pluck them.

A magnificent sight in beauty - blooming almond three-lobed, which has forms with pink double flowers. This almond can grow in the form of a shrub or tree, which in spring, at the time of flowering, is completely covered with flowers. Unfortunately, there can be problems with the wintering of this type of almond. At least in the literature there are different opinions on this matter. But steppe almonds, growing in the form of a small shrub, winter-hardy at 100%. It also blooms with pink flowers, although, of course, not as spectacular as the three-lobed almond.

More unpretentious shrub than hawthorn, difficult to find. Various forms of this shrub are grown in the garden, including those with pink double flowers. Terry hawthorn looks very impressive and does not require any special worries. Many species are just as unpretentious park roses, but simply put, rose hips. Among them there are varieties and species with pink flowers of various shades.

In the rose garden you can plant weigelu, panicle hydrangea, in which inflorescences noticeably turn pink towards the end of flowering, various varieties clematis in white and pink tones, and, of course, all kinds of flowers painted in pink.

Of spring flowers, some species have a pink-flowered form primrose (especially beautiful are the bright pink inflorescences of Primula rosea), anemone tender, erythronium (kandyk), badan, armeria, hionodoxa and, of course, numerous varieties tulips and hyacinths... In recent years, varieties have become popular daffodils with pink crowns against the background of a white perianth. Rosaceous tulips and daffodils look very impressive against the background of ground cover plants blooming at the same time - phlox subulate and rezuha(arabisa).

In the summer garden, the pink range will be created by rosaceous varieties aquilegia, astilbe, delphinium,lupines, lilies... The “pink favorites” of the garden include numerous hybrid forms. pyrethrumthat show a wide variety of shades of pink - from delicate, pastel, to dark, purple-pink. Terry pinks are surprisingly good too peonies, the stems of which sometimes do not withstand the weight of the flower and they have to be tied up.Bright pink carpet in the summer garden will create undersized species geraniums (for example, Dalmatian geranium) and carnation (herbal carnation, feathery, grayish blue). In wet places with fertile soil, the pink-flowered form will thrive. garden tradescantia (Virginia tradescantia, Anderson), and in dry places it feels good yarrow, which has a whole series of varieties in pink tones.

The autumn garden palette will be enriched with pink varieties phlox paniculata, Korean chrysanthemum, astersshrubby, dahlias, gladioli... An absolutely amazing bulbous plant that blooms in autumn - colchicum or colchicum... Its leaves die off in the middle of summer, and at the beginning of autumn flowers come out directly from the ground, which overcame in a very unusual way against the background of fallen leaves.

The rose garden - the garden of dreams - is amazingly beautiful. But, so that the beauty of this garden does not become tiresome, it is still better to "dilute" the pink range with white and add cold tones to the garden palette. To create a truly beautiful garden, you have to be a bit of an artist. Better yet, a poet who can see life in pink.

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