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The chemical composition of monarda and the action of essential oil

The main biologically active compounds in essential oil plants are essential oils (EOs), which give the plants their characteristic pleasant or not very aroma. In addition to the main bioactive substances - terpenoids, amino acids, vitamins, bitterness, tannins, bioflavonoids, cellulose, and pectins are synthesized in essential oil and aromatic crops.

Composition of Monarda essential oil

In EM monarda, about 40 were identified, including 16 main components. In most of the studied samples, the main components of EO are thymol and carvacrol, the content of the former varies from 41% monarda splendid(Monarda magnifica) up to 85% monards soft(Monarda mollis)... In total, phenols are 68-79%, the minimum content of M. magnifica (45.88%), maximum y M. mollis (88.9%). At the monarda fist (Monardafistulosa) and monards bradbury (Monardabradburiana) the main component of EO is carvacrol (60-61%). Within the species, forms are distinguished that differ significantly in morphological characteristics and, especially, in the composition of the oil. In particular, a subspecies is distinguished within the monarda fistula species Monardafistulosa L. var. menthaefolia, with a characteristic mint note in the aroma of oil. However, some authors indicate the presence of forms with a predominance of linalool.

Monarda fistus

All species have a similar component composition of EO, differ only in different percentages of individual components. In addition to phenols, EO monarda contains mono- and bicyclic terpenes, acyclic terpenes and their oxygen derivatives: γ-terpinene, n-cymene, 1,8-cineole, sabinene, borneol, α-thujene, trans-sabinene hydrate, myrcene, linalool ). The composition of EO is different for different types of monarda. Thymol and carvacrol (up to 70%) predominate in monarda fistulous, point and perceptive, and in the varieties of monarda double thymol, no more than 50-60%, but a lot of linalool and limonene (up to 9%). The amount of EO also depends on the species and variety. The monarda of the double variety Mahogeni EM is 4-5 times less than that of the monarda fistus and lemon.

Activity of Monarda essential oil

The high antimicrobial activity against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms of monarda plant EO is explained by the fact that it contains thymol (2-isopropyl-5-methylphenol) - from 48 to 52%, which has pronounced antiseptic properties. Oil accumulates in the cavity of the capitate glands, consisting of 10 cells. Of 10 test cultures, 9 died at a concentration of 125-250 μg / ml.

Unlike most essential oils, monarda is active not only against coccoid, but also rod-shaped microorganisms. Studies have also shown that Monarda Pistus and Catnip oils have a detrimental effect on the causative agent of candidiasis. Candida albicans at a dose of 100 μg / ml. In addition, the essential oil of Monarda showed high activity against mycoplasma pneumonia PH and the alpha form of streptococcus 406 (up to 100 μg / ml). In Monarda fistus, bactericidal activity correlates with the phenolic fraction, and the phenolic fraction acts more strongly than phenol alone.

With prolonged use, the essential oil of monarda does not cause addiction to microorganisms, and in combination with antibiotics increases their effectiveness by 4-10 times. In high concentrations, it acts destructively on the cytoplasmic membranes of microorganisms. Low doses reduce membrane permeability, which leads to a decrease in the intracellular metabolic process. The action of the oil reduces aerobic respiration and inhibits the metabolism of microorganisms. 7% emulsion of monarda oil had a radioprotective effect. Essential oils have antioxidant properties. On rats, monarda and fennel essential oils acted like tocopherols.

The results of the research showed that the essential oil isolated from individual clones of Monarda Pifata actively acted on Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Proteus, and the effective concentration of the oil was very small - 125-250 μg / ml. The least pronounced effect was noted with the action of oils on Pseudomonas aeruginosa - Pseudomonasaeruginosa.

A comparative analysis of the bactericidal properties of essential oils of several clones of monarda showed that the phenolic fraction prevailed in the most active oils - 48.95% and 64.69%, the content of thymol - 45% and 59.6%.The most sensitive to EM monarda are gram-positive microorganisms - streptococci, yeast-like fungi such as Candida, Proteus, microscopic fungi.

Monarda essential oil for cosmetics and perfumery

Monarda essential oil can be used for soap perfumery and in the production of cosmetic products. In terms of the content (2.46-4.21%) and the quality of EOs, samples of the type of lemon monarda were recognized as the best for this. (Monarda citriodora)... The perfumery score was 4.4 points (out of 5 possible). Of particular interest may also be the isolated samples of some other types of monarda - double (M. didyma), fisty (M. fistulosa), Bradbury(M. bradburiana), pink (M. rosea).Their EO does not differ in appearance from the lemon monarda oil, but has lower perfumery merits. Especially a lot of EO is contained in inflorescences and leaves, but very little in the stems. In terms of perfumery, the best oil was from the inflorescences, and the worst - from the stems.

Double monard

Content of biologically active substances

When studying the fractional composition of polyphenolic compounds in promising clones of monarda, the content of biologically active substances in absolutely dry raw materials was determined: tannins - 3.74%, the amount of coumarins of phenolcarboxylic acids and flavanoids - 11.61%.

In addition, the raw materials contain phenolic compounds, anthocyanin monardine, tannins and bitterness. In the study of flowers and leaves, the flavonoid composition was determined: rutin, hyperoside, quercitrin, luteolin and quercetin. It was found that the amount of the same flavonoids in the flowers of monarda is greater than in the leaves, for example, rutin in the leaves - up to 82.08 mg%, and in flowers - 319.43 mg%, the amount of quercetin in the leaves - 4.59 mg%, in flowers - 100.85 mg%. The study of the content of vitamin C showed that its content in most species and varieties is on a par with potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage. The greatest amount of vitamin C (29.3 mg%) is distinguished by the monarda fistus.

Oleoresin was found in the monardus fistus, which is usually found only in araucariaceae, cypress, umbrella and legumes growing in the tropics and subtropics.

The ratio of sugars, especially monosaccharides, with organic acids determines the gustatory range not only of the spicy-flavoring plant itself, but also when it is used for cooking various dishes. Most of the total sugar, including monosaccharides, was found in the Croftway Pink monarda.

Thus, the essential oil of plants of the genus Monarda differs greatly in composition, but phenols (thymol, carvacrol, n-cymene), sabinene, cineole, terpinene, limonene, myrcene are always present.

The ratio of components and the yield of EO in monarda can vary depending on the growing conditions, the time of harvesting of raw materials, plant organs, varieties, etc. In addition, the component composition of EO can vary greatly depending on the origin of the population and even among the descendants of the same plant.

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