Useful information

Lemongrass recipes: from tincture to tea

Chinese Schisandra (Schisandra chinensis)

Schisandra chinensis is that medicinal plant from which many dosage forms can be prepared at home, often quite pleasant to the taste.


Fruit tincture 95% alcohol is prepared in a ratio of 1: 5. Dry fruits are pre-crushed for better extraction. Insist in a dark place for 2 weeks. Take 20-25 drops before meals (or 4 hours after meals) 2-3 times a day.


Fruit tincture for 60-70% alcohol is prepared in the same ratio (1: 5). Insist on it for 2-3 weeks. Take 30-40 drops 2-3 times a day.


Dried Seed Powder take 0.5 g before meals (or 4 hours after meals) 2-3 times a day. It is better not to cook a lot of powder for future use, but grind 1 teaspoon of raw materials on a coffee grinder.


Lemongrass pills - a rather exotic dosage form for us, and in oriental medicine it is very widespread. To prepare them, mix 42.5 g of lemongrass powder, 27 g of sugar, 30.5 g of honey and make 100 identical pills from this mixture. Take 5-6 pieces daily. A bit of a hassle, but you have the opportunity to feel like a Chinese doctor.

Infusion of fruits prepared from 1 tablespoon of fresh or dry fruits, which are poured with 1 glass of boiling water, insisted for 2 hours, filtered. Take 2 tablespoons on an empty stomach 4 times a day.


Fruit juice cooking is quite simple. Squeeze juice from freshly picked berries and sterilize it. Take 1 teaspoon with tea. But the juice canned with alcohol is used to prepare the famous Ussuriysky balsam.


Leaf tea prepared by the Far Eastern hunters. It is very unusual and delicious. Brew fresh or dried leaves like tea in a teapot at the rate of 1 teaspoon of crushed raw materials for 1 cup of boiling water. It is better not to do this in a thermos, since the sophistication of the aroma disappears and the taste of the drink becomes rougher.


Stalk tea can be cooked in winter too. Cut dried or fresh stems into small pieces and brew like tea, adding sugar or honey to taste.

Lemongrass can also be a cosmetic product. Women of the East rubbed mucus from under the bark of lemongrass into the scalp for hair loss and baldness. A water-alcohol infusion of lemongrass fruit tones, disinfects and refreshes oily skin. With lemongrass, you can prepare a cream and lotion for aging and problem skin.


In folk medicine, it is recommended to use lemongrass. from caries... To do this, you need to shave off the bark of lemongrass, add thin twigs. Brew 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 0.5 liters of boiling water and drink like tea.

Schisandra can be included in ointments for the treatment of purulent sluggish granulating wounds and weeping eczema.

Lemongrass delicacies

Schisandra has found application in the food industry. After all, a strong tonic effect is contained more in the seeds and it is almost impossible to overdose the juice.

In the Far East, the fruits and stems of lemongrass were widely used for food, and from the 30s the fruits began to be used for bunching fruit wines. The juice from its fruits is used in the production of wines and soft drinks, in the preparation of jams, syrups. It has thirst-quenching properties, it is added to soft drinks, popsicles, jelly.

The pulp of lemongrass is used as a filling for sweets. The population of the areas where lemongrass grows puts the bark of the liana in tea for smell, instead of lemon.

Since 1967, the industry of the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories began to produce lemongrass juice for food purposes. Now it is actively used by many companies for the preparation of specific balms and tinctures. In particular, fruit juice canned with alcohol and infusion of seeds are used for the preparation of Ussuriysk balsam.

We want to share with you what you can make from lemongrass fruits at home.

To receive natural juice ripe fruits must be carefully sorted out, pedicels and impurities must be removed. Next, place the berries in an enamel bowl and cover with a layer of granulated sugar. After 3-5 days, the fruits give off juice almost completely. The juice is poured into glass jars or dishes with a tight-fitting lid. Natural juice in a well-sealed container is stored for a long time without damage in the refrigerator and serves as a source of enrichment of the drink with vitamins and other useful substances in winter. Even when diluted with water several times, lemongrass juice retains its bright red color, aroma and refreshing sour taste.

Berries can be saved in sugar... To do this, mix the berries with granulated sugar, by weight with a double amount of sugar, put them in glass jars with a volume of 0.5-1 liters and close with lids. Berries can be stored for a year or more in this form. They can be used as a tea seasoning.


For making compote fruits without stalks are placed in 0.5-liter jars, filling them by 2/3 and poured with boiling syrup, which is prepared from water and sugar in a 1: 1 ratio, then pasteurized and the jars are hermetically sealed. In winter, it is used as an additive to tea.

See also:

  • Balsam from five berries "Vigor"
  • Lemongrass fortified wine
  • Lemongrass jam
  • Schisandra chinensis syrup
  • Lemongrass juice
  • Chinese Schisandra compote
  • Raw lemongrass jam

About the medicinal properties of lemongrass - in the article Schisandra: berry of five flavors and spicy leaves

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