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Cut flower care

The life of cut flowers is short. But in our power to make it a little longer.

So you brought flowers home. Do not rush to unfold the bouquet. First, free only the stems, cut them under water, wet the paper and wrap your flowers in it. They must be placed in a cool place for several hours so that the plants recover from stress and their tissues are saturated with moisture. While the process is in progress, fill the flower vase with water and let the water stand to evaporate the chlorine. After some time, the bouquet can be placed in a vase. But before that, it is imperative to update the cuts of the stems. This is best done under water so that air bubbles do not clog the vessels of plant tissue. Otherwise, your flowers, even while in the water, will suffer from a lack of moisture.

In the room, a vase of flowers should be placed in a place protected from direct sunlight and drafts. Of course, the wilting of cut flowers is inevitable, but it is in our power to delay this unpleasant moment. Flowers in a vase suffer greatly from the rapid development of bacteria in the water. Various disinfection methods slow down this process. You can put pieces of charcoal in the water, a silver coin, as was done in the old days, or add a micro dose of washing powder to the water at the tip of a knife. Some advise adding a little salt to the water in a vase with flowers at the rate of 1 teaspoon of table salt per liter of water. All these tricks help keep the water fresher for longer.

And to feed the flowers in a vase, sugar is usually used. Tulips, carnations, daffodils are especially responsive to him. Recently, all kinds of preparations for prolonging the life of cut flowers have appeared on sale - Bud, Vitant, Chrysal and others. They include both disinfectants and nutrients. Thanks to this combination, cut flowers retain their beauty for much longer - up to 20-25 days.

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