Useful information

Zucchini is treated

It's no secret that vegetables are very healthy. Yes, every vegetable, every fruit, every plant has its own role and function for our body. But today we will talk about the zucchini.

Zucchini and squash

What zucchini contain

Zucchini are very useful, but young zucchini are best suited for nutrition, since it is during this period that this dietary product contains the maximum amount of vitamin C, carotene, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, etc.

Like pumpkin, zucchini has long been used in dietary nutrition. Their nutritional and dietary value is associated with the presence of easily digestible carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral salts in the pulp of unripe green fruits. In addition, they contain very little fiber and therefore slightly irritate the stomach and intestines.

Young zucchini fruits contain 5-6% dry matter, 2-2.5% sugars, 30-40 mg% vitamin C, vitamins B1, B2, PP, carotene, folic acid, etc. In terms of vitamin C content, they are much richer than apples and plums.

As the fruits ripen, the content of sugars and carotene in them increases. And yellow-fruited zucchini in carotene content can even surpass carrots. Of the mineral salts, potassium is especially abundant in zucchini; they are also a valuable source of copper for the body.

Zucchini Kuruknek F1


The healing properties of zucchini

Zucchini contains specific enzymes that help convert protein into a soluble state, which is especially important for people with liver disease. They contribute to the elimination of harmful substances from the body formed in the process of digestion, as well as the separation of bile.

Zucchini has the same delicate fiber as tomatoes and pumpkin, so they are easily absorbed by the body. Zucchini has the ability to bind toxic substances and then remove them from the body. They are distinguished by antiallergic effect, promote better intestinal motility.

The spectrum of useful action of zucchini is very wide. They protect a person from many diseases, incl. from gout, sclerosis, premature aging of the body, and due to the high content of potassium in fruits, they are very useful for those who have edema.

For medicinal purposes, everything is used in zucchini: pulp, juice, seeds, peel. The most valuable are young zucchini up to 20–25 cm long. it contains many biochemical active substances. Their pulp is consumed raw, steamed and boiled.

Thanks to potassium and magnesium, zucchini nourishes the heart. Iron improves the condition of the blood by participating in the formation of hemoglobin. The more iron in the body, the more oxygen is contained in our blood and, therefore, the higher the load it can endure without undergoing serious painful changes.

Zucchini is very useful for the liver and gallbladder, as it removes bile, thereby improving the digestion process, preventing the stagnation of bile in the bile ducts, which is fraught with stone formation in the gallbladder.

Zucchini have an active diuretic effect, promote the elimination of water and table salt from the body. They are very useful for urolithiasis, gout and other metabolic disorders.

White marrow

Zucchini juice has a calming effect and improves sleep, and a decoction of flowers is used in the treatment of purulent wounds.

It is believed that the dietary fiber contained in zucchini is an effective preventive measure against malignant tumors of the rectum.

Zucchini is very useful for the kidneys, acts as a diuretic, at the same time coping with fine sand and swelling. If you notice puffiness, proceed with boiled or baked zucchini.

Zucchini is indispensable for diabetes, as it contains a set of trace elements necessary for diabetics. For an even more effective fight against diabetes when preparing meals, combine them with celery, garlic, and onions.

Zucchini is not very nutritious, but gives the impression of satiety.Therefore, they should be included in the diet of obese people. And since the fiber of zucchini removes excess cholesterol from the body, they are useful for patients with atherosclerosis. Therefore, zucchini is the best food for old and elderly people.

Zucchini fruits are rich in pectin substances that protect the intestines from damage and promote its healing. They are also recommended for diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Zucchini seeds contain a lot of fat - up to 50% of the mass of the kernel, they are also rich in vitamin E. They also contain santonin, an effective anthelmintic. Therefore, fried marrow seeds are very widely used for helminthiasis.

And, in addition to all that has been said, zucchini are prolific and fast-growing, very tasty, especially young, 10-15-day-old fruits.

Cooking recipes with zucchini:

  • Zucchini juice with grape leaves
  • Pie with vegetables and cream in a slow cooker
  • Jellied Pie with Vegetables and Cheese
  • Zucchini jam with lemon and spices
  • Zucchini caviar "Unusual" with semolina
  • Snack "Zaporizhzhya traditional"
  • Zucchini pancakes with sausage
  • Zucchini, beetroot and black currant juice
  • Zucchini juice with gooseberries, dill and coriander
  • Zucchini and tomato juice with dill and tarragon
  • Grilled pickled vegetables
  • Rolls with zucchini, avocado and mizuna cabbage
  • Spicy chickpea cutlets with zucchini and sauce
  • Layered zucchini pie "Autumn"
  • Sweet zucchini salad
  • Polenta with zucchini and cheese
  • Layered zucchini pie "Autumn"

Zucchini in cosmetology

Zucchini are also used as a cosmetic product. The pulp and juice of zucchini is good for care of dry and rough skin, for smoothing wrinkles.

To do this, 2 tablespoons of finely grated zucchini must be mixed with 1 tablespoon of Hercules and applied as masks on the face for 20 minutes. Then wipe your face with a cotton swab dipped in unboiled milk.

Can be done squash mask and in a different way. To do this, grind 1 yolk, add 1 tablespoon of zucchini juice to it and apply on the face in the form of a mask for 20 minutes. Then remove it, wipe your face with a swab moistened first with warm and then cold water.

And what about zucchini?

Recently, gardeners have shown more and more interest in zucchini zucchini. And this is no coincidence. After all, this is a new, early ripening, high-yielding type of zucchini originally from Italy.

Iskander zucchini zucchini

Zucchini have high taste and dietary qualities due to the presence of easily digestible carbohydrates and vitamins B1, B2, C, nicotinic acid and carotene in their fruits. Zucchini seeds are high in vitamin E and protein. When fruits ripen, the amount of sugar and carotene in them increases. Zucchini helps to improve digestion and eliminate harmful substances from the body. They are especially useful for liver diseases.

Patisson does not lag behind

Another close relative of zucchini - squash, yielding to zucchini in early maturity and yield, significantly surpasses it in taste and has a pleasant mushroom flavor.

Young squash fruits are especially useful and tasty. After all, it is not for nothing that dietitians recommend eating squash for liver disease, kidney disease, peptic ulcer disease, atherosclerosis.

Due to the presence of a large amount of vitamins, easily digestible carbohydrates, pectin substances and alkaline mineral salts, squash promotes better assimilation of protein foods and maintains an alkaline blood reaction. Squash are useful for hypertension, are a good diuretic. And the seeds of squash are very rich in fats, which contain a lot of vitamin E.

As you can see, there is only benefit from zucchini, and if you want to have a slender figure, all the more often remember this vegetable.

Patisson Sun

"Ural gardener", No. 34, 2017

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