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The bride's bouquet

Flowers are an obligatory attribute of the bride's wedding dress. The easiest way to purchase a bridal bouquet is to order it at a flower shop or salon. When choosing a wedding bouquet, it must be borne in mind that it should be ideally combined with the entire outfit of the bride: her dress, veil or hat, flower eyelid on her head and other accessories and makeup. Do not forget about such an important detail as the size of the bouquet and its shape, because the bride will have to hold it in her hands for a long time! According to the established tradition, the groom should deal with the bride's bouquet, but making the right choice, without missing a single important detail, is clearly beyond his power. Moreover, according to another tradition, the groom himself should not see the wedding dress of his betrothed until the very day of the wedding! Therefore, it is clearly better if the bride herself takes part in this important process.

If the bride and groom turn to professional florists in advance, most likely the bride's bouquet will strictly correspond to the style of her attire and traditions that are close to her. The classic bridal bouquet consists of roses, lilies, carnations, and camellias. Today's fashion prefers small bouquets of small and delicate flowers wrapped in a white paper cuff. These bouquets consist of gerberas, lilies of the valley, daffodils, primroses or forget-me-nots. Today, just one orchid or lily flower, decorated in a special way, can act as a bride's bouquet. For a very lush or bright outfit, roses or carnations are better suited, they will also be more appropriate in a wedding bouquet of a mature woman getting married or if this is not the first marriage for the bride.

When going to the florist to discuss the bride's bouquet, be sure to take with you a photo of her wedding dress, and if it is not yet ready, be prepared to describe it in as much detail as possible: style, quality of material, color, accessories that will complement it. In addition, a wedding bouquet has its own traditions and rules that are customary to follow:

  • a classic bridal bouquet should consist of white or pastel roses or lilies;
  • the shape of the bouquet should be round;
  • gypsophila, ivy leaves or exotic plants can be used as decorative greenery in the bride's bouquet;
  • if you do not adhere to strict traditions, the bride's bouquet may contain tulips, orchids, callas, daffodils, exotic plants, but still choose flowers of light colors, especially if the bride is very young;
  • flowers of bright shades are appropriate in the bride's bouquet if this is not the first marriage for her, or a mature woman is getting married, or if the wedding dress is not traditionally white, but saturated strong tones.

When choosing a bridal bouquet, do not forget to also consider the following important points:

  • the bouquet should be light, as the bride will have to hold it for several hours;
  • in a wedding bouquet, it is better not to use flowers with a strong scent, which can cause a headache, premature fatigue or even an allergic reaction:
  • if the bride is allergic to pollen, then warn the florist about this, who uses special “harmless” flowers in his bouquet: anthurium, ornamental greenery, physalis, grapes, berries;
  • if a wedding is planned for the young, it is also necessary to warn the florist about this, since bouquets made up of traditional light flowers: tulips, roses, orchids and lilies are suitable for the church;
  • if you want to keep your wedding bouquet as a souvenir in order to show it to your daughter, and then to your granddaughter, then order a reserve bouquet to fulfill the oldest wedding custom - throwing the bride's bouquet to girl-bridesmaids;
  • even if you do not believe in floral symbolism, it is preferable that the bridal bouquet consists of fresh flowers and is not "overloaded" with decorative ornaments.

In any serious floristic salon you will be offered to look at an album - a catalog of wedding bouquets, which will help you decide on the choice of your bouquet. A wedding bouquet made by a master florist is a real work of art for your celebration. A modern wedding bouquet can consist not only of flowers, but also of various berries, decorative leaves and accessories. In addition to the classic round bouquet, you can be offered other options for wedding bouquets - a cascade, when the flowers are fixed on a special thin rod; arc - a shape resembling a rim; or a fancy bouquet in the form of a fluffy ball or heart. It is up to you to order a bouquet in a floristic salon or compose it yourself, the main thing is that nothing darkens your wedding celebration!

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