Useful information

Mallow is a stock-rose, but not a rose

Stock-rose pink (Alcea rosea)

Which gardener does not know the malvaceous family? It contains many genera and more than 200 species. Bright and large flowers of plants are pleasing to the eye from July to autumn. In the summer, we are impressed by the exuberant flowering, and in the fall, the plots are decorated with tall candles covered with large flowers.

Mallow is also known to gardeners as mallow, or stock-rose, it has been decorating our front gardens for a long time and is often grown near walls and fences, decorating them, because grows taller than many other ornamental crops.

Many growers are sure that it is mallow that grows on their plots. Moreover, the plants in question are often identified, even in seed shops on bags with seeds, they write there: stock-rose (mallow). And yet this is not entirely correct.

The fact is that although these flowers belong to the same family - mallow, they belong to different genera and have some differences. Therefore, under this name in our gardens there are quite a lot of different representatives of the malvaceous family, mainly a stock-rose(Alcea rosea) and forest mallow (Malva sylvestris).

Forest mallow (Malva sylvestris)

The stock rose is the most beautiful representative of this family. In gardens, it is grown as a biennial plant. The stem-rose has a long taproot, and the height of the stems can reach 2–2.5 m, on which there are round, heart-shaped at the base, serrated leaves.

Plants form huge spike-shaped inflorescences, which usually appear in the 2nd year in June – July; in some varieties, flowering can last until September.

The powerful stalk of the mallow contains plant fibers and is difficult to pull off with your hands. Because of this, plants were once grown for the purpose of extracting fibers from them to make coarse fabrics.

The flowers are large, up to 10 cm in diameter, the shape of the corolla is bell-shaped, double, semi-double and simple, in some varieties with frills and frills along the edge of the petals. And the color of the flowers is absolutely stunning - all shades of red and yellow, there are even purple, burgundy, lilac, lilac, violet and even black and red colors. Mallow seeds have appeared on sale, the flowers of which have a two-color color in the form of white-blue or white-pink stripes.

Stock-rose pink (Alcea rosea)Stock-rose pink Spring Celebrity Lilak F1Stock-rose pink Spring Celebrity White F1

The inflorescence blooms from bottom to top, in turn. One mallow inflorescence can contain up to 100–120 flowers.

Stock-roses, having reached a height of 2–2.5 m and having formed many additional stems, when gusts of strong wind often fall from their own weight, wriggling out of the ground along with the roots. Therefore, near them it is necessary to install stakes for garters of plants or plant them in a place protected from the wind.

Due to the fact that all these plants, in principle, differ little from each other, except for growth, in the future I will call them all mallow.


Stock-rose pink Spring Celebrity Purple F1


Growing conditions

Mallow is a very hardy plant. It grows well and develops on any soils, except for waterlogged, unpretentious to the composition of the soil, and is resistant to drought. But still, in order for mallow to bloom well, it needs well-fertilized loamy or sandy loam soils. Loves mallow and high nitrogen content in the soil.

It is better to sow mallow in lighted places, since it may not bloom in the shade even in the second year after sowing. He does not like mallow and strong drafts, and although mallow is a frost-resistant plant, for the winter its planting must be mulched with peat or dry leaves, and in winter it must be covered with snow.

It should not be forgotten that terry forms have lower winter hardiness and need more extensive shelter for the winter.


Mallow is propagated mainly by seeds, preferably through seedlings. For this, the seeds are sown in nurseries in mid-May. Mallow shoots appear in 10-14 days. After the appearance of the first true leaf, the seedlings dive into the ridge. In autumn, the grown seedlings form a powerful rosette.

Seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place in the fall or spring of the next year with a distance between plants of 40-50 cm, choosing well-lit areas for it, protected from the wind.

When transplanting plants, it is necessary to preserve a lump of earth with fleshy roots, only then the mallow will grow quickly and bloom profusely.

And the most valuable terry and densely double mallow varieties are best propagated by cuttings and dividing two-year-old bushes. For cuttings, take root shoots that appear near the stems in summer. They are planted in greenhouses or boxes. After three weeks, they will take root, and when they grow up, they are planted in a permanent place.

Stock-rose pink Summer CarnivalStock-rose pink Summer Carnival

Mallow care

On fertile soils, you can not feed it, but on poor soils, you can feed it every month with a solution of complete mineral fertilizer. The plant is quite drought-resistant, but in dry weather, frequent watering of the plants is necessary, preferably in the evening, and soil mulching. However, it is important that the water does not stagnate. Loosening and weeding should be done regularly.

Powerful shoots growing in the 2nd year for support are tied to stakes, which must first be painted in the color of the leaves. Dried peduncles are cut to a height of 30 cm or removed altogether. It should not be forgotten that terry forms have low winter hardiness and need shelter for the winter.


Mallow is a background plant that looks good in mixed flower beds and against the backdrop of buildings or fences. The most successful place to demonstrate all the decorative qualities of a plant is the front entrance (near the porch or veranda of the house), as well as the front garden. Since the fences of the front garden rarely exceed 1.5 m, the mallow rises magnificently above the fence, solemnly exposing its tall flower stalks.

Mallow is used for planting in large groups, in the center of flower beds, on beds, along paths. It goes well with cosmea, rudbeckia, phlox. And the inflorescences cut with flowers at the bud stage bloom easily and stand in the water for a long time, but are suitable only for large bouquets.

Terry mallow in a bouquet is similar to roses, only they last much longer, and snow-white mallow is often added to a bouquet for a bride.

Medicinal properties

But few people know that this very mallow also has remarkable medicinal properties and is highly respected by European medicine.

Mallow flowers as part of the collection or are independently used in the treatment of gastritis and colitis. To prepare the infusion, you need 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of flowers with 1 glass of cold boiled water, leave for 5-6 hours, drain. Take in small sips 1 glass 2 times a day. And for colds and coughs, mallow flowers are brewed with boiling water and drunk like tea.

An aqueous infusion of mallow flowers is used internally and externally for coughing, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, with hoarseness. Leaves and roots have the same application.

Since mallow has long been cultivated in the countries of the East, it occupies one of the leading places in the teaching of feng shui. It symbolizes love and good luck in marriage, wealth and joy, the addition of a family.

If you need any of the above, then you can put a bouquet of mallows at home, and best of all - plant these beautiful plants on your site.

"Ural gardener", No. 3, 2018

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