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Horseradish in cooking

In cooking, horseradish roots and leaves are used, which are added to a wide variety of dishes. Horseradish rhizomes have a very pungent pungent odor, and the taste is even slightly sweet at first, a little later it reveals itself as very spicy and pungent. Horseradish leaves taste much less pungent than rhizomes.

Read also articles:

  • How to grow horseradish correctly
  • Useful properties of horseradish

One of the most common seasonings from horseradish rhizomes, usually very spicy in taste - grated horseradish with vinegar - is usually served with boiled meat and fish dishes, as well as with jellied meat. The leaves are used for pickling and salting vegetables, because they contain a large amount of bactericidal substances - allyl isocyanates and isopropyl isocyanates. In addition, young leaves pleasantly change the taste of various salads and soups.

It is also added to various mayonnaises and sour cream, mixed with cottage cheese and yoghurts. These mixtures are served with meat - fried, boiled or grilled, as well as fish and a variety of cold appetizers. A mixture of grated horseradish with sour cream or apples, water or wine is especially good with fish, especially carp, cod, eel and salmon.

Horseradish added to fish or meat dishes will not only make them taste more piquant, but also help in the proper digestion of food.

Some helpful tips:

  • Horseradish root is best used grated. Keep in mind that the finer you grate or chop the horseradish root, the sharper it will be!
  • To preserve the original horseradish taste in hot dishes as much as possible, add it at the very end of cooking and turn off the heat immediately.
  • Citric acid and mild vinegar reduce the pungency of horseradish and stabilize its odor. A softer horseradish seasoning is obtained by adding 1/2 teaspoon of salt and 2-3 tablespoons of white vinegar to one cup (240 ml) of grated fresh root.

Fans of meat from an open fire will not be uninteresting to know that horseradish leaves are ideal for roasting meat on charcoal. You can wrap each piece of meat in a horseradish leaf and bake it on a wire rack (you can eat it with the leaves), or you can put horseradish leaves on the wire rack, place the meat on top, arrange tomatoes and onions on it, and again horseradish leaves on top. Bake until the leaves turn brown. The meat prepared in this way has a very original taste, it turns out to be unusually juicy and never charred.

Horseradish recipes:

  • Green adjika with horseradish leaves
  • Smoked meat with mango and horseradish sauce
  • Egg salad with horseradish and bacon
  • Pork with honey and horseradish in the oven
  • Horseradish and sorrel leaf soup
  • Baked chicken with potatoes marinated with horseradish and mustard
  • Young potatoes with sesame seeds in sour cream sauce with horseradish
  • Young potatoes with rosemary, horseradish and lemon
  • Rye-wheat bread with horseradish in a bread maker
  • Chicken fillet in sour cream with horseradish

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