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Planting Bulbous Flowers - The Easy Way to a Beautiful Garden


If you want to create a beautiful garden but don't have the experience, start by planting a few bulbous summer blooms this spring. You are guaranteed success! Garden malls now have a large selection of flower bulbs. Growing summer bulbous, corms and tuberous plants, you will be able to admire the bright colors of your garden for several months, especially when planting different species.

Bulbs, corms and tubers are sold in packages that show beautiful images of their plants during the flowering period. Placing such colorful images on packages is due to the fact that the dry bulbs themselves are unlikely to attract your attention in a flower shop. But the unassuming look of the "sleeping" bulbs shouldn't fool you. One has only to put this “ugly duckling” in the hole and sprinkle a little soil - be it a garden or a flower pot - and the plant that emerged from the bulb will undoubtedly attract the eye. As if by magic, plants with incredibly beautiful flowers will appear from the bulbs and tubers.

DahliasDahlias and gladioli

For a beginner gardener

The flower bulb already contains the formed flower buds and the necessary nutrients, so it is not necessary to have experience with growing these plants to get good results. Any budding grower can plant bulbs and transform their garden or terrace. The very first green shoots that have broken through the soil will certainly make you kneel down to get a better look at this small living miracle. And this is just the beginning of the real show!

Planting and leaving

  • Choose a sunny spot: Bulbous plants that bloom in summer love warmth and light.

  • Make a hole in the soil: the depth of the hole should be twice the diameter of the bulb, corm or tuber (see package instructions).
  • Place the onion in the hole with the “spout” up.
  • Sprinkle soil over the planted bulbs. The planting depth of the bulb should be equal to two bulb diameters.
  • In dry weather, planted bulbs should be watered.
  • You can also plant the bulbs in a prepared bed: loosen the soil with a rake and then plant the bulbs in it.

A small lesson in gardening

In the spring, bulbs, corms and tubers of plants of summer flowering go on sale. They can be planted after the threat of spring frost has passed - from late April / early May to mid June, depending on your climate zone. These bulbs produce abundantly flowering plants in summer. Some, such as dahlias and crocosmia, continue to bloom in the fall.

Plant bulbs that bloom in spring, such as daffodils, tulips and ornamental onions, should be planted in the fall. For convenience, these bulbs are referred to as spring flowering bulbs or spring bulbs.


Enchanting summer garden

There is a wide variety of summer flower bulbs, corms and tuberous plants. Brightly colored flowers are formed in dahlias, crocosmia (montbrecia), gladioli, begonias, lilies, anemone, cannes and others. The more bulbs you plant in your garden in spring, the more charming and full of flowers your garden will be in summer. You can create a single color border or mix your favorite colors in it. Dahlias are again becoming very fashionable flowers. It seems that their bloom will never stop. Some dahlias reach a height of a meter or more, but there are also undersized varieties. It is a real pleasure to cut flowers from tall dahlia plants. You cannot pass by crocosmia, which forms a large number of charming flowers, and its cultivation does not require much effort.

The garden: a place of discovery for children and adults

Tuberous begonias and dahlias

Is your garden already full of flowers? Fine! What attracts to summer bulbous plants is that they can be planted anywhere - here and there, they are everywhere in their place. Just prepare a small piece of land for them and plant. In the presence of moisture, light and heat, their sprouts will appear between other plants in the garden.

For children and adults, the passion for gardening means constant discovery, a new kind of creative activity and enjoyment of its results. The garden is always ready to give you unforgettable moments. Flowering bulbous plants attract a large number of butterflies and bees, watching which you will learn even more about your garden and its inhabitants.

Flowers on the terrace

Summer bulbs thrive in pots. For a pot culture, small plants are chosen, for example, undersized varieties of dahlias and begonias. At the bottom of the pot, place shards of an old pot (for drainage) or baked clay pellets (officially called "hydro pellets") sold at garden centers. Shards or granules are placed in the bottom of the pot to drain off excess water. This point is important because these plants cannot tolerate highly moist soil. (But they grow just as poorly in dry soil, so be sure to water them in summer.) Then fill the pot with potting soil and plant the bulbs to a depth equal to two times the diameter of the bulb. Water them, then sit back and relax with an interesting book. Remember to knock on wood for a sunny and warm summer.

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