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Lavatera - in Russian Hatma

Lavatera Lovelines

Plants of this botanical genus from the Malvaceae family have long been known in our country. They even have a Russian name - khatma. The genus was named Lavater by Karl Linnaeus in honor of the famous doctors and naturalists of the brothers Lavater, who lived in Zurich in the 18th century.

The genus Lavatera is small, about 25 species. Among them there are annuals and perennials, and even shrubs. In the wild, they grow mainly in the Mediterranean. Some species are found in Western Europe, Central Asia, as well as in North America and Australia. In ornamental gardening, about 10 species are used. The most famous are two: the three-month lavatera and the Thuringian lavatera.

Lavatera three-month (Lavatera trimestris) is an annual plant with a powerful branched stem, large bright or dark green leaves and large funnel-shaped flowers. The plant fell in love with flower growers and is increasingly being used. Breeders have created several varieties that differ in flower color, as well as plant height. The most famous and commercially available varieties are Mont Blanc - with white flowers and Silver Cap - with light pink flowers. Plants in both varieties are compact, 40 to 50 cm high, and very abundant flowering. In the Tanagra variety, the flowers are dark pink in color, in the Novella variety they are bright pink. These varieties are also compact, up to 50 cm high and their flowers are up to 8 cm in diameter. Plants bloom profusely within 60–70 days after sowing. Taller, up to 100 cm tall, varieties Lovelyess and Pink Beauty. The color of the flowers in the Lovelyness variety is pink, and in the Pink Beauty variety - bright pink. Both of these varieties bloom a little later, 75–80 days after sowing.

Lavatera Mont BlancLavatera Thuringian

Lavater is propagated by three-month seeds. Its seeds are rather large, brown-brown, kidney-shaped. 1 g contains from 150 to 250 pieces. The seeds retain their germination well for 4–5 years. Lavater is sown in early spring directly on a permanent place, in nests of 2–4 seeds at a distance of 30 cm. Seedlings emerge together, after 7–10 days. You can grow seedlings, then when sowing in early April, you can get flowering plants in June, before the plants sown in the ground bloom. Lavatera is very responsive to timely watering and feeding with complex fertilizers at the beginning of growth.

Lavatera TanagraLavatera Silver Cup

Lavaters bloom until late frosts. Many seeds are formed. In the offspring, varietal characteristics are well preserved. The three-month-old lavatera is beautiful in high ridges, in groups on the lawn and in mixborders, both in the foreground and in the background. Low-growing varieties, especially Novella, are beautiful in wide garden vases, in modular flower beds, they can be used to decorate patios in pots.

Lavatera Novella

Less common, although often found in old gardens and on neglected estates Lavatera Thuringian or dog rose (lavatera thuringiaca). This perennial plant is often found in nature in the central regions of Europe, Siberia, and the Balkans. It has been known in culture for a long time, since 1588. The plants are tall. Powerful, highly branched stems can be up to 100 cm high. They branch from the base. The leaves are large, rounded, with 5 lobes, have a grayish-green color. The entire plant, both the stem and the leaves, is covered with tough hairs. Large flowers, up to 5 cm in diameter, are concentrated in the upper half of the plant. The flowers are also funnel-shaped, but the petals do not close, as in the three-month-old lavater. The color of the flowers is usually pink, light or dark, and white. The dog rose blooms from the end of June to the middle of September. It propagates well by seeds. It is better to sow them before winter. Lavatera Thuringian is good for single plants or in small groups of 3-5, on the lawn, near the porch or the entrance to the terrace. You can create a flowering wall from it, decorating a fence or outbuildings.

All lavaters are light-requiring, cold-resistant and drought-resistant. They tolerate frosts down to -3 degrees.Grow well on any soil, preferring those rich in organic matter. Lavatera Thuringian winters well without shelter and can grow in one place for many years without a transplant.

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