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What are the benefits of beets for healthy and sick

Despite the wide range of vegetables in our stores at any time of the year, only cabbage, potatoes, carrots, onions and, of course, beets are available for most. Probably, most readers will salivate at the thought of a well-cooked borscht, especially in the winter season. But the beet began its life in culture as a medicinal plant and it undoubtedly deserves an article on our portal.


Sugar beet

Beetroot (table) (BetavulgarisL.) - a biennial plant of the family of the Haze family with a thick, fleshy root. It is an unusually useful and widespread food and forage plant. Wild beets are found in Iran, along the Mediterranean, Caspian and Black Seas, as well as in India and China.

In the first year, the plant forms a root crop, and the next year, the plant produces seeds.

A bit of history

Beetroot was originally used in Babylon. In Persia, beets were grown, but they did not like them, for some reason they considered it a symbol of gossip and quarrels, and was used mainly as a medicinal plant. However, later, 800 BC, local breeders created root varieties, and it became a familiar vegetable crop. The ancient Greek physician Dioscorides recommended beet juice for headaches and ear pains. The Romans fell in love with beets and prepared all kinds of dishes from leaves and root crops. Emperor Tiberius even obliged the Germanic tribes conquered by Rome to pay taxes in the form of beets. This contributed to its widespread distribution in the Rhine basin. However, with the dying of the Roman Empire, interest in beets also melted.

It was in demand for the second time in the 10th century, when the crusaders brought it to Europe during the Crusades. At first, however, it grew in gardens as a decorative rarity, and only then migrated to vegetable gardens. But this is a common path of vegetable plants, potatoes and tomatoes began their triumphant march as well.

The broth was recommended in the Middle Ages as a remedy for lice. In the 18th century, beets were considered a remedy for skin diseases.

Beets came to Russia from Byzantium in the 10th century. There is evidence that in the 16th century, our ancestors already cooked borscht. The Englishman Clark, traveling across Russia in the 17th century, noted that beets were served for dinner to improve digestion, cut into circles and seasoned with ginger, and greens were added to okroshka.

Until the 18th century. only two types of beets were distinguished: table beets (root crops and leaves, that is, everything that was eaten), and fodder, which was used to feed livestock. For the first time sucrose in the roots was discovered by the Berlin chemist Margrave in 1747 and recommended that Europeans pay special attention to beets, since imported cane sugar was very expensive at that time. The scientist correctly indicated the very principle of obtaining beet sucrose. However, the first attempt to translate his recommendations into practice failed. The sugar factory opened by the student of the Margrave Ashar turned out to be unprofitable.

Sugar beet

Napoleon also tried to put the production of beet sugar in Western Europe on a firm basis in 1806. In an effort to undermine the cane sugar trade in England, he instituted a million franc prize for those who find the most rational way to obtain sugar from beets, and allocated 32 thousand hectares of land for the cultivation of beets grown specifically for this purpose. In the hope of a huge prize, many European chemists have embarked on research. In parallel, work was carried out to increase the sugar content of beets.

As a completely independent variety, sugar beet was developed in the 19th century. as a result of crossing and selection of different varieties of canteen. However, the technology that made it possible to build rational beet sugar factories was developed after the death of Napoleon. In 1828 France, 103 factories worked, producing up to 5 million kg of sugar.

Long-term breeding work with beets has significantly changed all properties. In the middle of the XIX century. the sugar content of the roots did not exceed 10%; at present, the sugar content of a number of varieties is 22%.

Lots of sugar and vitamins

The root crops of table varieties contain sugar, protein, fats, fiber, organic acids (malic, citric, etc.), mineral salts (magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, iodine, cobalt, etc.), pigments (carotenoids and anthocyanins), vitamins C, B1, B2, R, PP, pantothenic and folic acids. Leaves contain carotene, ascorbic acid, betaine.

Delicate laxative and hematopoietic mastermind


Since ancient times, people have used beets for various diseases. Avicenna called the beetroot silk and recommended applying steamed leaves on malignant ulcers, as well as for burns. He recommended beetroot ointment with honey for lichen. A more exotic recipe from beet juice and crane bile was provided for paresis of the facial nerve. The juice was rubbed into the scalp to get rid of dandruff.

Fiber and organic acids stimulate gastric secretion and peristalsis. Therefore, beets are a mild and absolutely harmless remedy for constipation. With persistent constipation, enemas are made from beet broth. In addition, the pectins contained in it adsorb all the products of putrefaction and fermentation that accumulate in the intestines. Beet pectins remove heavy metals from the body, and it must be included in the diet of all residents of large cities and especially workers of hazardous industries.

It has long been used in folk medicine to treat patients with anemia. The combination of a large amount of vitamins with iron makes it a must in the diet of patients with anemia. Many authors note that it stimulates the formation of red blood cells and increases hemoglobin.


In the fundamental work on phytotherapy, R.F. Weiss beet is recommended as a prophylactic and supportive remedy for bowel cancer.

Given its low calorie content, beets are prescribed for obese patients.

Since ancient times, beets have been used in villages for scurvy. The presence of various vitamins in root crops also plays a role in the prevention of other vitamin deficiencies. You can also eat beet tops, in which there is a higher content of vitamin C (up to 50 mg%) and there is a lot of carotene - provitamin A.

In beets, there is an organic substance betaine, which promotes the breakdown and assimilation of food proteins and participates in the formation of choline. The latter increases the condition and functional activity of liver cells and thereby improves its functioning, that is, this wonderful vegetable can be used as a dietary product for liver diseases.

In terms of iodine content, beets take one of the first places among all vegetables. Therefore, beetroot food is beneficial for people with atherosclerosis and the elderly. It must be included in the diet of people suffering from thyroid diseases. Raw beet juice can be drunk as a means of improving metabolism, removing toxins and strengthening the body. No wonder cosmetologists advise taking it regularly to maintain the freshness and beauty of the face.

Beetroot is recommended for the sick thyrotoxicosis, atherosclerosis and concomitant cardiovascular diseases... Due to the large amount of minerals and vitamins: potassium, which has a beneficial effect on cardiac activity, magnesium, which acts hypotensive (lowers blood pressure) and iodine, which has a positive effect on lipid metabolism, beets help lower cholesterol and preserve the youth of blood vessels. Therefore, beetroot juice is recommended in geriatric practice. In folk medicine, with high blood pressure and as a sedative, beet juice mixed in half with honey (half a glass 3-4 times a day) is taken.


During rehabilitation after serious illnesses, especially in old age, you can take equal parts of carrots, beets and cucumbers, squeeze juice from them, let stand for about an hour in the refrigerator and take ½ cup 1 time per day in winter, early spring and after illness. Improves the condition of the liver and digestive tract, strengthens the immune system, improves vision. Store the juice in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

Sometimes to alleviate inflammation fresh gruel of root vegetables periodically (as it dries) is applied to ulcers and tumors.


Folk remedy anemia is a mixture of equal amounts of beet, carrot and radish juices. This mixture is recommended to be taken daily for 1-2 tablespoons before meals for several months. For the treatment of scurvy and anemia, you can also use sauerkraut.

It is recommended to drink freshly prepared beet juice as an aid. with leukemia.

Beets are widely used in various forms for colds. Wash your nose with boiled beetroot juice with a cold thick discharge. With a runny nose, you can also bury the juice of raw beets, but first it must stand for several hours.


With adenoids For 100 g of red beet juice, take 30 g of honey, dissolve it in the juice and drip 5 drops of the solution into each nostril for several days. As a rule, there is an improvement in the condition and relief of nasal breathing, although this remedy will not completely eliminate the adenoids, but will allow you to postpone the operation and use other means. The same remedy is recommended for anosmia - lack of smell.


With angina grate a full glass of red beets, pour in a tablespoon of wine vinegar, stand for several hours, squeeze. Gargle with the resulting juice 5-6 times a day. Take a couple of spoons orally. The course of treatment is about 2 weeks.


With pharyngitis grate 0.5 kg of beets, stir with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, leave for 2 hours, strain and use to gargle.


With phlebitis (inflammation of the veins) take 50 g of leaves, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, drink 150 g after meals as an aid. It is used mainly to normalize the state of blood vessels after a disease.


With a headache it is recommended that you simply apply a fresh beet leaf to your forehead. Surprisingly, this funny recipe often helps.

Simple and tasty

In cooking, fresh beets are used to make vinaigrette, borscht, side dishes, and sauces. It is also used dried, pickled and canned.

In the food industry, red beet pigments serve as a harmless food coloring.

Fiber and organic acids of beets increase intestinal contractions, therefore, against chronic constipation, it is advised to eat 100-150 g of boiled beets on an empty stomach, or you can simply cook it as a snack salad from boiled beets, garlic and a few walnut kernels and season it with a little mayonnaise.

Good manners ... for beets

  • When storing cleaned beets in the air, vitamin C is destroyed in it, which interacts with oxygen in the air.
  • Beet cooking utensils should be sized correctly so that there is less space for air.
  • To make the beets juicy and tasty, it is better to boil them without peeling or cutting off the roots. To reduce the contact of beets with atmospheric oxygen, the dishes should be closed when cooking beets. When boiling, beets should only be placed in boiling water.

Before using dried beets, it must be scalded with boiling water, drained and then poured with water at room temperature so that the beets swell. Dried beets should be boiled in the same water in which they were soaked so that the loss of nutrients is minimal.

Beetroot Recipes:

  • Beetroot salad with beef, cucumbers and lettuce

  • Late summer salad with nasturtiums

  • Herring and beetroot salad with orange sauce

  • Omelet with beets and green onions

  • Goat garden salad

  • Cabbage hodgepodge with beets

  • Royal Flush Vegetable Smoothie

  • Beetroot port

  • Beetroot salad with apples, tansy and horseradish

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