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Pear is not only a sweet delicacy, but also a kind doctor

Pear Lada

Its aromatic and sweet fruits have been known to man since prehistoric times. The earliest reliable archaeological finds of the remains of pear fruits date back to the period of pile construction in Italy. Frescoes depicting pear fruits adorned palaces in Pompeii. Since ancient times, it has been considered both a sweet treat, a table decoration, and a very effective medicine at the same time.

Pear, especially of sweet large-fruited varieties, contains a significant amount of nutrients. In this respect, it occupies one of the first places among fruits. It is believed that the better and stronger its scent, the greater its benefits, especially for the heart. Pear pulp is better absorbed by the body than apple pulp.

In oriental medicine, it is believed that its fresh fruits have an invigorating, refreshing and cheerful effect, and improve mood. Modern research confirms that these fruits actually relieve stress and improve mood.

Pears are not much richer in sugar than apples, but they are always sweeter in taste. This is due to the low content of organic acids in it - (0.1-0.3%) or 2 times less than in apples and a rather high content of sugars (up to 10%). The content and composition of sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose) is very close to apples. The sorbitol content in its fruits is twice as high as in apples. Especially a lot of sorbitol is found in the juice of unripe fruits, which is why they are very useful for patients with diabetes mellitus.

Not being the record holder for the content of vitamins, it contains vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, E, but there are relatively few of them, pears can be good suppliers of folic acid, which plays an important role in the processes of hematopoiesis. Its content in pears reaches 0.2 mg% - significantly higher than in apples and plums.

Pear Elegant Efimova

Yielding to apples in terms of the content of "universal" vitamins C and P, it significantly surpasses them in terms of the content of chlorogenic acids, which have a capillary-strengthening and diuretic effect. These acids are found in pears from 30 to 80 mg%. A successful combination of fiber, pectin and bactericidal substances, enzymes makes it an irreplaceable "cleaner" of the digestive system. But the main wealth of pears is arbutin, which can prevent kidney and bladder diseases. Its content in some varieties of this culture reaches 60 mg%. It is also rich in pectin substances.

Of mineral salts, it contains a lot of potassium - up to 200 mg%, iron - up to 2 mg%, manganese - up to 0.3 mg%, iodine - up to 2 μg%, etc. It is also the most valuable supplier of organic zinc, the content of which is superior to most other berries and fruits. And pear leaves contain significant amounts of vitamin C and arbutin. The fruit contains a relatively high amount of fiber (up to 2.5%), which irritates the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, during an exacerbation, people with diseased intestines should refrain from eating pears.

Its pulp contains so-called stony cells, which is why pears sometimes crunch when chewed. But as the fruit ripens, these stony cells soften and the pulp acquires a delicate consistency.

In folk medicine, the fruits of all varieties of pears, both fresh and dried, have long been used as a fixative for intestinal disorders, which is explained by the significant content of tannins and astringents in the fruits.

There is one more remarkable quality of the steep beauty - she helps well with severe mushroom poisoning. And its seeds have antihelminthic properties.

Unlike apples, it is also beneficial for lung disease. This was known to the ancient Arab physicians. Pear juice reduces the cough reflex.With bronchitis, cough, pulmonary tuberculosis, it is recommended to use boiled and baked pears, a decoction of dried pears, and pear jam. In the same cases, pear gum (resin) is also useful. It is taken 4-5 g per day with warm water.

Pear Memory Yakovlev

Pear fruits contain a lot of potassium. Therefore, it has a beneficial effect on palpitations, acts well as a diuretic. It is also useful in cases of urinary tract infections. have antimicrobial action. It is also useful for liver diseases. And for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially in children, pear compote is very useful, because the tannins contained in it cause the coagulation of the protein of bacterial cells and promote the healing of ulcers of the intestinal mucosa, have a positive effect on the state of the gallbladder.

Doctors-naturopaths recommend for urolithiasis and inflammation in the bladder to consume pear juice 0.5 cups 2-3 times a day. This is due to the fact that it contains the same active substance as the leaves of the bearberry medicinal - arbutin. The systematic use of pear compotes and decoctions of dried fruits can well help men "over 50" to avoid some male problems and speed up their treatment.

Pear fruits are low in calories and are useful for eating overweight people.

Pear has a refreshing effect, quenches thirst well at high temperatures, helping to lower it. In a febrile state, it has an analgesic and antiseptic effect. To prepare the broth, you need to boil 1 cup of dry crushed pears until cooked in 0.5 liters of water, insist in a warm place for 4-5 hours. Take a decoction of 0.5 cups 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

It is believed that a thick broth of pears in water helps with severe headaches. It must be taken orally or used for lotions. Among other things, the pear has an invigorating, refreshing and cheerful effect.

Like most fruits, the pear should not be overused. They should be eaten in moderation and not on an empty stomach, but 1-1.5 hours after eating. Pears should not be consumed before a hearty meal. After a pear, you should not drink water, especially damp and cold water, as well as eat dense foods and meat. Sour and tart varieties of pears are contraindicated for the elderly and those suffering from disorders of the nervous system.

You should also know that sour and very tart varieties of pears are more difficult for the body to absorb, and therefore are contraindicated for the elderly and those who suffer from a disorder of the nervous system. In any case, no one should eat unripe fruits. Note that all these negative properties are lost when the fruit is baked.

Pear is widely used in folk cosmetics. The pulp of juicy ripe fruits can be used in the form of a mask, which is applied to the face for 10-15 minutes, and then washed off with warm water. Pear juice dries the skin well and makes any skin fresh, smooth and supple. For this, a pear juice mask is applied to the face for 20 minutes, and then it is washed off with cool water.

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