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The most beautiful flowers for a teacher

The summer is coming to an end. After long days of such a wonderful summer vacation, September comes, and with it the beginning of a new school year. In our country, September 1 is a holiday of knowledge, a holiday of the beginning of a new school year, for every student it is always solemn and exciting. For many decades, there has been a wonderful tradition of giving wonderful summer flowers to your teachers on this day.

Lilies "Contento"Lilies "Sorbonne", "Marlon", "Siberia"

Flowers by September 1

The first of September is the most anticipated day for those who cross the school threshold for the first time. On this day, you can always see a large number of first-graders walking with huge bouquets of flowers to school. All children are smartly dressed: girls 'hair is decorated with huge white bows, and "almost adult" boys' suits are decorated with ties. In the early morning of September 1, everyone gathers in the courtyard near the school or in the decorated school hall, where ceremonial lines are held dedicated to the beginning of the school year. Cheerful music sounds everywhere.

The first of September is not only a holiday for students and teachers, but, of course, also for parents, relatives and friends. For first graders, their first school bell rings, and the teacher for the first time leads yesterday's kids, and now students, to the classroom. And for the graduates of the next year, the last holiday on September 1 is a particularly exciting and even sad event, because the school years, and with them childhood, go away forever. But in all classes on this day, teachers receive bouquets of flowers from their students as a gift.

Eukomis, dahlias, calla liliesDahlia
DahliasLilies "Paradero", "Sorbonne", gladiolus "Ben Venuto"

Flowers for the teacher from a professional florist

Do you know your teacher's favorite flowers? If yes, then choosing a bouquet is quite simple. But if you don't know what kind of flowers it is better to give, then hurry to the flower shop, where there are dozens of flowers that you can admire, and from which you can choose what you need!

If you know the favorite color of your child's teacher, then this information will help the florist to collect not just a bright, but also a little "personal" bouquet. A bouquet for the Day of Knowledge can consist of both flowers of the same type, and mixed. Ask the florist to wrap the resulting bouquet in a festive package and attach a small greeting card or a small drawing of your baby that you have prepared for the teacher to it.

Unusual bouquet for a teacher

Summer flowers can be used to create a wide variety of gorgeous bouquets. Combine different types of flowers in one bouquet, each with its own unique charm, such as dahlias, gladioli and lilies. If you arrange the flowers in the bouquet a little casually, add some green twigs to them, secure the bouquet with a ribbon or a bow ... and the bouquet will look like the children have just picked these flowers from the garden!

Lilies "Paradero", "Sorbonne", gladiolus "Ben Venuto"Lilies "Belladonna", gladiolus "Lemon Drop"
Lilies "Contento", "Sorbonne", "Da Silva", gladiolus "Ben Venuto", calla lilies "Captain Melrose", "Lovely", "Ventura"Gladioli Essential, Amsterdam, Lemon Drop, Ben Venuto, Lilium 'Marlon

And in order for your child's bouquet to be completely special and stand out from all the bouquets of his classmates, wrap it in paper painted by your child. Create a bouquet of lilies or a selection of dahlia or calla lilies. Then, to add even more personality, attach a small card with warm words for the teacher to the bouquet.

In any case, when choosing flowers for a teacher, do not forget the most important rule: your child should be able to carry his bouquet and present it to the teacher himself, because this is the most important ritual, and one of the most important and enjoyable parts of the holiday! Flowers must be "fit" for your child in height and weight.

Based on materialsiBulb


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