Useful information

What are shrubs?



There have been tremendous changes in rose growing lately. There were many not only varieties, but also garden groups.

Currently, breeders are faced with the question of breeding more and more winter-hardy varieties. Having a southern origin, the rose culture is advancing to the northern regions. Roses are cultivated all over the world, despite the most varied climatic conditions. In the south, roses can be grown without shelter, but in central Russia, winter shelter is necessary. It was the appearance of a new group of garden scrubs that made a kind of "revolution" in the world of roses. Despite the fact that all modern shrub roses (except for the wrinkled rose hybrids (Rosarugosa) require protection for the winter in our conditions, they are the most winter-hardy and unpretentious.

Recently, interest in shrub roses has been increasing. Among the variety of shrub roses, you can find a variety for any garden. This is explained by the fact that the composition of the group is very heterogeneous - from wild species to modern shrub roses, the flowers of which are similar to those of hybrid tea roses and floribunda. Since all roses are shrubs, the size of the bush (height and width) is considered the defining feature of shrub roses.


Fritz Nobis

Fritz Nobis

The group of scrubs was singled out quite recently. Shrub (from the English shrub) is a shrub. The name of this group is arbitrary, since all roses are shrubs. Shrubs - "bushes of bushes". Scrubs (also called modern park roses) include all varieties that cannot be included in other garden groups. They have qualities that distinguish them from other groups:

  • The flowers are varied. They can be from non-double to flowers in the form of hybrid tea roses or the floribunda group, as well as nostalgic old-fashioned forms. The color of the flowers is very different.
  • Spectacular look. Flowering is abundant, long-term (from June to autumn), repetitive.Almost all varieties bloom again, but there are also single flowering varieties ("Fritz Nobis ").
  • Aroma. There are more fragrant roses among scrubs than among hybrid tea roses.
  • Volume. Many varieties stand out for their vigor and vigor (up to 2 m). Bushes of some varieties are so graceful that their flexible branches require a little support, which soon closes with flowers..
  • Disease resistance and high winter hardiness. They only require light protection for the winter.
  • Unpretentious care. Any gardener can grow a scrub.
  • Widespread use in landscaping. Shrubs can be grown both in single plantings and in small groups (3-5 bushes).

Planting in small groups gives the effect of a large blooming ball of roses, all the irregularities of one bush are hidden by neighboring ones. A beautiful, separately flowering bush on the lawn looks spectacular. Solitaire is a single planting of plants growing separately from group plantings and having an independent decorative value. For tapeworms, plants are chosen with a beautiful bush shape and an abundance of flowering, with a pleasant aroma. You can plant it anywhere: at the entrance to the house, on the lawn, in the center of the flower bed. Many shrub roses, both old and modern, are good for single plantings. A plant growing separately can be seen from all sides, so it is important to choose a variety and properly care for it. The main thing is that the plant is in harmony with the surrounding landscape.

The distance between the bushes can be from 50 cm and more than 2 m, depending on the width of the bushes. It is impossible to give a general recommendation for planting scrubs, because they are very diverse in the size of the bush. On average, 1 sq. m planted from 2 to 3 bushes. In large shrub roses, the bare part of the bush is sometimes visible and then it can be hidden by the undersized roses located in front of them.

Solitaire is a single planting of plants growing separately from group plantings and having an independent decorative value. For tapeworms, plants are chosen with a beautiful bush shape and an abundance of flowering, with a pleasant aroma.You can plant it anywhere: at the entrance to the house, on the lawn, in the center of the flower bed. Many shrub roses, both old and modern, and shrubs are good for single plantings. A plant growing separately can be seen from all sides, so it is important to choose a variety and properly care for it. The main thing is that the plant is in harmony with the surrounding landscape.

Recently, in the literature, the group of scrubs is often called semi-climbing roses, but it includes both upright and ground cover shrubs. Most scrubs do not require support.

Ground cover scrubs

Rosa wichuraiana

Rosa wichuraiana

The 1980s saw the emergence of many varieties of shrub roses that can be grown as ground cover roses, so far they have not been singled out as a separate group and belong to the group of scrubs. The history of the emergence of ground cover roses began long before the 80s of the twentieth century. - Roses have been grown as creeping plants in the past. In the nineteenth century. Introduced from Japan to Europe Vihura rose(Rosawichuraiana), it was grown as a ground cover plant. The creeping, whip-like shoots of this rose grow rapidly, reaching 5m, and along the entire length are covered with fragrant white flowers, collected in inflorescences of 3-10 flowers. At home, her flowering is constant, in our zone it requires protection for the winter. This rose crosses easily, so breeders began to widely use this species in crosses with different species and varieties of different groups.



So sort "Max Graf" (1919) was supposedly obtained from crossing the Vihura rose with the Rugosa rose. This variety is considered one of the first ground cover roses. When crossed with miniature roses, the variety was obtained "Nozomi" (1968), with small shiny leaves and simple small flowers (1.5 cm in diameter), on creeping, creeping shoots up to 1.5 m long.Some varieties with the properties of ground cover roses are still assigned to other groups in catalogs, for example , "The Fairy" (1932) is considered a polyanthus rose.

The term "ground cover" roses appeared in the early 80s. XX century. This group of roses stands out rather conditionally, since it includes species and varieties from other garden groups. Today these roses are very popular: a large number of new varieties have appeared.

Max graf

Max graf

Many gardeners consider only roses with long arched shoots that cover the ground and require a large area to be ground cover roses, but in fact they are much more diverse. Often, amateurs are not satisfied with the weak doubleness and size of the flower; there are no goblet flowers in this group. Ground cover roses are distinguished by their abundance, continuous flowering, creating flower carpets, disease resistance, winter hardiness, that is, all the qualities inherent in scrubs. No garden group has so many ADR certified varieties. Before planting such a rose, you need to find out what size it will reach when it grows, and take this into account when planting. Among the rose growers of the world, there is no consensus on ground cover roses. German rose growers divide them into 4 subgroups, which can reach a height of 20 cm to 1.5 m:

  • low creeping (height 30-45 cm, width no more than 150 cm, the number of bushes per sq. m - 3-4);
  • high creeping (45 cm, more than 150 cm, 1-2);
  • small drooping (90 cm, no more than 150 cm, 1-2);
  • large drooping (at least 100 cm, 150 cm, 2-3).

The French series of landscape roses is very popular. «Meillandecor», hanging bushes from 80 cm to 160 cm, strewn with flowers throughout the summer until frost, with a planting density of 2 bushes per 1 sq. m. Unpretentious, stable and winter-hardy ground cover roses of the Dutch company Interplant.



Groundcover roses, which, along with creeping forms, include bush forms with fairly high arcuate shoots, can be used in any corner of the garden. They are valuable because they grow rapidly, are unpretentious, bloom very abundantly and continuously, have disease resistance and increased winter hardiness.The main task of ground cover roses is to cover the ground with thick leafy shoots growing horizontally and abundant inflorescences, suppressing the growth of weeds. Of course, this does not completely eradicate the weeds.

The use of ground cover roses is largely determined by the nature of their growth. In any corner of the garden, ground cover roses with their long shoots, strewn with numerous clusters of inflorescences, will become its decoration. They can be planted on flower beds, rocky areas of land, decorate slopes with them and cover hatches. Some highly prolific varieties are grown like climbing roses. Since groundcover roses have a very dense and dense bush, they can be used for growing in containers. This makes it possible to grow roses both on the balcony and on the outdoor terrace. Everywhere they create carpets of roses. They are used to create beautiful cascading boles. Many ground cover roses have a wonderful scent. Closer to autumn, bright fruits appear, which not only decorate the bushes, but provide food for the birds and serve as their protection.

Continuation: Features of caring for modern shrub roses

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