Useful information

Daylily pests and diseases

In general, daylilies are not very susceptible to pests and diseases. Among pests, the daylily mosquito and thrips, which lay the larvae in the buds, are dangerous. The buds do not grow in length, expand and deform.

Of the diseases, the most dangerous is root collar rot, which can destroy plants if you do not pay attention to it in time. The diseased plant must be completely dug up, washed and scrubbed out of the rot, held for about 20 minutes in a dark solution of potassium permanganate, and then in the air for 2-3 days, until the sore spot dries out and hardens. After that, it can be planted again, but not in the same place where rot pathogens - microscopic fungi or bacteria - can remain.

I want to pay attention to a disease that has not yet been recorded in our country, but due to the large import of various plants into our country, the risk of its introduction is possible - this is the rust of daylilies. For the first time this fungal disease was discovered in August 2000 in the United States, the causative agent of which is called Puccinia hemerocallidis. Rust fungi have several stages of development, while many of their species at one stage can live on one type of plant, and at another stage - on another species. Such rusts are called "miscellaneous". The causative agent of rust of daylilies is two-host. Its two stages live, feed and multiply on the leaves and flower-bearing stems of the first host - daylilies; spores are carried by wind or man from one plant to another. The plants themselves do not die, but the leaves are covered with pustules of a bright "yellow color and die off very quickly. The spores that form in the summer in the first two stages live only on living tissues that they feed on, and they do not tolerate the cold winter, so the disease is still widespread in the United States. mainly in warm states. But the third stage of development of the fungus, the so-called telitostage, can tolerate low temperatures. This stage develops only on the second host, which is a plant from the Valerianov family - Patrinia. The genus is of East Asian origin, Puccinia hemerocallidis was previously found only in Siberia, China, Japan and Korea.Previously, patrinia, which looks like valerian, was not used as an ornamental plant, but recently, with the advent of fashion for natural-style gardens, it has become popular in this capacity. variety Patrinia scabiosifolia "Nagoya", it is possible that this plant may appear in our sale. For maximum safety, you should not plant a patrinia plant on your site, so as not to bring a serious disease of daylilies into your garden.

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