Useful information

Medicinal properties of corn

Continuation. The beginning is in the articles

  • Great maize, or just corn
  • Sweet corn varieties
  • Growing of vegetable sugar corn

Vegetable sugar corn is highly valued as a medicinal plant. In folk and official medicine of different countries, all parts of this useful plant are used.

Corn stigmas (filamentous columns with stigmas are the stamens of the female corn inflorescence) are the most valuable, from the point of view of medicine, part of this plant. They have excellent diuretic properties, as well as choleretic, anti-inflammatory, remove toxins and strengthen the immune system. Extracts from her stigmas are widely used for various diseases of the liver, gallbladder, urinary tract and kidneys. A decoction of corn silk has hemostatic properties, and the infusion reduces appetite, contributing to a decrease in body weight.

Corn stigmas

For medicinal purposes, the columns with stigmas are harvested by hand during the period of milk and full ripeness of the cobs (July-August), simply by tearing off the bundles of threads from the cob. Dried in the shade or in a dryer at a temperature of + 30 ° C, spreading out in a thin layer on paper or gauze. It is necessary to store medicinal raw materials in cloth bags for no more than 1 year, with longer storage it loses its medicinal properties.

The grain of vegetable corn has anti-aging and tonic properties, so it is recommended to eat it for the elderly. It has been proven by research that crushed corn extract inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

The fat fraction of grain regulates well the digestion processes and promotes the assimilation of many other products. Doctors have long noticed that atherosclerosis is much less common in those areas where corn and rice predominate in the diet. Corn oil lowers blood cholesterol levels, improves the functioning of the gallbladder, and also has a choleretic effect. Taking it improves overall well-being, improves mood and normalizes sleep.

In addition to vitamins B and PP, corn flour contains carotene (provitamin A). Cornmeal porridge and casseroles reduce intestinal fermentation.

Corn honey is widely used to treat hypertension.

Corn malt is the cheapest of all "health elixirs": two teaspoons of malt is your daily intake of vitamins A, B, C and D.

Doctors say that for a healthy diet, the annual intake of sweet corn for an adult should be 8.7 kg.

Corn oil and flour are also used in cosmetology. Cornmeal is used for homemade acne and acne remedies, as well as for applying anti-cellulite masks after taking a bath. In cosmetology, corn oil is used in products for dry, oily, damaged, aging and sensitive skin of the face and hands. Together with other base and essential oils in home beauty products, it helps to take care of the health of hair and nails, and also acts as a good massage agent.

Read also the article Corn - for all occasions.


Vegetable sugar corn (Zea mays convar.saccarata)Vegetable sugar corn (Zea mays convar.saccarata)

Other use


Sweet corn has found application not only as a valuable food and medicinal ingredient, more than half a thousand products are made from it, using not only the corn grains themselves, but also the leaves, stalks and even the wrappers of the cobs. Fuel alcohol is obtained from corn, paste, plastic, plaster, artificial fiber, industrial water filters and much more are made.

The whole corn plant, both green and dry, is a valuable nutritious food for cattle, horses and sheep. Grass-cut corn is especially beneficial for cows as it helps them produce sweeter and tastier milk.Corn cobs and grains are very suitable for feeding poultry and horses, and for feeding pigs they are mainly used in front of other feeds because pigs are more willing to eat corn than other grains, in addition, corn contributes to the speed of feeding and the good quality of the fat obtained.

The end is in the article Cooking corn.

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