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Forest flowers

Snowdrops are the first to bloom. The sunlit forest glades are decorated with their white and purple flowers in spring.

One day, in early spring. Sasha found a small tree in the forest, completely covered with flowers. Pinkish tiny flowers sat tightly on smooth, thin branches. We brought a beautiful blooming tree home and put it in a jar of water. I told Sasha that this amazing tree is called the wolf's bast. It blooms very early, as soon as the snow melts, and its berries and bark are poisonous.

At the beginning of summer, many flowers appeared in the forest. On the birch edges, Ivan-da-Marya blossomed, purple bells appeared, Ivan-tea rose high. In the thick grass in the forest glades, we found and collected fragrant night violets. And by a deaf stream, on the bank of the river, they admired the blue forget-me-nots.

Some forest flowers have taken root very well in our garden and flower garden. In the fall, we collected seeds in bags, and in the early spring we dug out the rhizomes and planted them in the soil fertilized with forest humus. Bees fly to the flowers in our garden to collect honey and golden fluffy pollen.

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