Useful information

Reproduction of daylilies

Daylilies can grow in one place without transplanting up to 12-15 years. But this is still undesirable - the flowers become smaller, and the foliage also suffers. In addition, specimens that are too old and overgrown are very difficult to divide. Therefore, it is desirable to carry out division and transplantation once every 5 years.

The easiest way to reproduce is by dividing the bush. To do this, you must completely remove the plant from the ground, shake it off or wash off the soil. It is very difficult to divide old, heavily overgrown bushes - you need to loosen, wiggle, gradually unravel, push and pull the roots, sometimes you can sacrifice the extra ones so as not to cut off others. Sometimes it is necessary to incise or cut the old rhizome, so that each new cut will have a part of the root collar with buds.

The second method of vegetative propagation of daylilies is like that of the host. There are dormant eyes at the base of the thick rhizome of the daylily. If you cut off the main shoot at the very base where the leaves begin, then the dormant buds will wake up and new shoots will sprout from them. This should be done in the spring, when growth is just beginning and the leaves reach 5–10 cm. From 3–4 to 15–20 new shoots can form in a month. Of course, they will not be as large by the end of summer as the main shoots are. And you can use cut young leaves in a salad. It's delicious and healthy.

Some varieties of daylilies are characterized by the formation of air rosettes in the axils of the leaves on the stem. They look like small bushes. If at the end of summer such a rosette has already given roots, then it can be immediately planted in the ground, you just need to make sure that the soil does not dry out. If the rosettes do not have roots, then the stem is cut off and 4 cm above and 4 cm under the rosette are left and planted like any cutting. The best time for grafting is when the rosette forms 2-3 pairs of leaves. In any case, it is recommended to shorten the leaves by 1/3 of the length.

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