Useful information

Host from package

Usually imported planting material host (rhizomes) is sold in perforated plastic bags with sawdust or peat. It is best to buy it in late winter or early spring. The rhizomes should not be dry or heavily wrinkled. At home, they must be taken out of their packaging and carefully examined. If the shoot is small (1-5 cm), and the root system is in good condition, the purchase is placed in a slightly moistened substrate (sawdust, peat) in a perforated bag and, periodically examining it, is stored until planting at 0-30C in the refrigerator.

If the shoot has started to grow and the leaves have already begun to unfold, the rhizome is immersed in water at room temperature for several hours, after removing the damaged roots. Then it is slightly dried and planted in a pot with a loose soil mixture. The buds should be above the surface of the substrate. The pot is placed in a cool, bright place and watered gently. By the time of planting in open ground (end of May), you will have a well-formed plant.

If you purchased specimens that still have sprouts in the package, then you do not need to immediately put them in bright sunlight. Keep the plants in diffused light for a while. Then the weak, pale shoots will quickly turn green and will develop normally in the future.

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