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Eucalyptus: indoor cultivation

The Australian Blue Mountains got their name from the strong evaporation of essential oils from the leaves of the eucalyptus trees growing there. These oils have a number of very valuable properties. Eucalyptol, or cineole, is widely used as an antiseptic in the fight against colds. Due to the ability to release in large quantities into the ambient air, the phytoncidal substances eucalyptus have become so popular with plant lovers. In parks and forests, they quickly become very tall trees, and their fast growth rate makes it very difficult for indoor maintenance. For several years, eucalyptus trees outgrow the size of the apartment. In addition, they are very, very light-requiring, and the lack of illumination leads to the death of plants. Eucalyptus trees are much better suited for container growing, when they are provided with a sunny spot in the garden all the warm season, and for the winter they are transferred to a cool and bright greenhouse.

If you still want to keep such a useful plant at home, you should pay attention to closely related plants - melaleucus or myrtle, which is usual for us. They have similar phytoncidal properties and fragrant foliage and, requiring the same conditions of detention at the optimum, tolerate minor discomfort better, and with the help of regular haircuts, they are easier to maintain in a compact state.

Lemon eucalyptus (Corymbia citriodora) Ozone

Two types of potted plants are most common: lemon eucalyptus(Corymbia citriodora syn. Eucalyptus citriodora) with aromatic, citrus-scented leaves and Gann Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus gunnii) with small rounded gray-gray juvenile leaves. These plants come to us from Europe, where they are grown as tub plants. Gann eucalyptus is able to withstand frosts down to -14 ° C, therefore it is also widely distributed as an ornamental tree in the British Isles and Western Europe.

Many eucalyptus trees can be grown from purchased seeds. For this, it is better to choose less tall species, such as Eucalyptusvernicosa, E. kybeanensis, or E. gregsoniana.

More about species - on the page Eucalyptus.

Illumination. Eucalyptus needs a lot of light and does not tolerate shade. This can be a problem in indoor environments, especially in winter and cloudy weather. At home, it should be placed on a southern sunny windowsill. In summer, take out into the garden in full sun. If the plant hibernated indoors, then it is necessary to accustom it to the sun's rays gradually so that the leaves do not get burned. Provide extra light for your plants during the winter.

Cm. Lamps for plant illumination.

Temperature. Eucalyptus in the summer outdoors will withstand any temperature changes, but prefers + 16 ... + 18оС, not higher than +26 оС. Heat should be avoided indoors on the sunny side. For the winter, provide the eucalyptus with cool conditions, with a temperature of + 12 ... + 15 ° C. At any time of the year, from spring to autumn, provide the eucalyptus with good ventilation in the room, it is not afraid of drafts, but in winter, do not expose the plant to blows of frosty air.

Watering regular, plentiful in summer, as the soil dries up a few centimeters deep. Waterlogging should not be allowed, despite the use of eucalyptus trees to drain the soil, they are not able to grow when the roots are flooded. In winter, the frequency and abundance of watering is reduced, but the soil cannot be completely dried out, it is maintained in a slightly damp state.

Read more in the article Watering rules for indoor plants.

Air humidity. Evaporating a large amount of moisture with its leaves, eucalyptus increases air humidity and, under properly organized growing conditions, does not need to be sprayed.

Eucalyptus gannii Azura. Photo: FloraHolland

Soils and transplants. Young specimens are transplanted every year in the spring, if the roots have mastered the previous volume well.Older plants are transplanted every few years, regularly changing the topsoil to a fresh one. All transplants should be carried out only by the method of careful transshipment, without disturbing the earthen coma and without damaging the roots. For eucalyptus, it is better to select tall cone-shaped pots. The size of the pot is increased gradually, each time 2 cm in diameter and about 2-4 in height. Ready-made peat soil with the addition of perlite is suitable, which will provide an easy drainage of water. You can add sand to the soil, sod soil and leaf humus in small quantities.

Read more in the article Transplanting indoor plants.

Top dressing. Originally from Australia, eucalyptus prefers low-phosphorus and calcium-free fertilizers. From spring to autumn, you can use fertilizers for conifers or universal fertilizers in a half dosage for top dressing. For the winter, all feeding is canceled.

Read more in the article Top dressing of indoor plants.

Bloom in room conditions does not occur.

Pruning and shaping. In the first years, the plants grow rapidly upward, the seedlings of some species are capable of growing by 2.5 m per season, and the stem remains thin, so the plant needs support. To maintain the compactness of the crown, regular pruning is required, and since there is no need to wait for flowering, it can be carried out at any time, as the shoots grow back.

Reproduction. Cuttings take root reluctantly, for a long time and with little yield, so it is preferable to grow eucalyptus from seeds. Small seeds are sown on the surface of the soil, without sprinkling, germination occurs better in the light. Above the seed box is covered with glass or transparent film to prevent rapid drying. The first shoots may appear in a week, but sometimes germination is delayed for several months. Mountain species that grow in harsh conditions may require seed stratification prior to sowing. The soil is prepared poor, with a lot of sand, pre-steamed. Watering is extremely accurate, since the seedlings are prone to black leg.

Diseases and pests. Eucalyptus is quite disease resistant. Of the pests on it, mealybugs, scale insects, aphids, and spider mites can parasitize.

Read more in the article Houseplant pests and control measures.

Problems when growing eucalyptus:

  • with a lack of light, the plant stretches strongly, the leaves brighten, the lower ones actively turn yellow and fall off. Loan degradation of the plant occurs, the leaves are covered with extensive dry spots from the tips. With a prolonged lack of light, the plant dies.
  • with waterlogging, stagnant water in the ground, the roots rot, the leaves lose their turgor, the stems bend, the plant dies;
  • when dry, leaf fall is observed, and if it was prolonged, then the plant dies;
  • with a warm winter, the plant is depleted, symptoms are observed, as with a lack of light;
  • under uncomfortable conditions, it is strongly affected by spider mites.

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