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How to feed peonies

The florist's troubles, as a rule, do not end with the selection of varieties and the correct planting of plants. It is very important to provide proper care for them. After all, peonies are long-lived and can grow and bloom profusely in one place for many years.

Starting from the third year of development, when peonies bloom, in addition to watering and loosening, they need additional feeding. Trade organizations offer a wide range of all kinds of fertilizers, but the most successful, in my opinion, satisfying the needs of peonies in nutritional components is "Kemira". Three-time application of this fertilizer during the growing season of plants allows you to completely eliminate the lack of nutrients. But here it is important to make a reservation that in early spring and a week after flowering, fertilizer "Kemira-Universal" should be used, based on a matchbox in a groove around the bush, followed by embedding it in the soil. This fertilizer is of prolonged action and allows the plant to receive the necessary nutrients for a long time. The second top dressing, during the budding period, should be carried out with Kemira-Kombi fertilizer, also a matchbox in a groove around the bush and watered abundantly. This fertilizer dissolves instantly and flows to the roots. All elements of this fertilizer are in a chelated form, which allows the plant to assimilate them without additional processing by soil microorganisms.

In addition to mineral fertilizers "Kemir", I advise everyone to use the opportunity provided to us by the Baikal scientists to use organic matter (compost), prepared on the basis of EM-technology (Baikal-M). Mulching adult plants in autumn with this compost layer of 7–10 cm has an amazing effect. Even plants of the third year of life give full flowering. Such mulching is especially valuable when growing plants for a long time in one place. The presence of living microorganisms in the compost allows one season to renew and significantly improve the structure and fertility of the soil without replacing it, which in turn has a positive effect on the quality of the grown plants. They grow better, do not get sick and bloom beautifully.

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