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Plants for New Year and Christmas

Kalanchoe Blossfeld and ivy

The most magical holiday is coming - New Year. It so happened that on New Year's Eve, people make the most intimate and unrealizable desires, which must certainly come true in the new year. So I want to never part with the fairy tale!

We are always preparing for this holiday - we dress up a beautiful Christmas tree, set up a festive table with all kinds of dishes and, of course, decorate our home with various floristic compositions.

What plants are appropriate to give on New Years and Christmas?

A constant favorite and traditional plant is poinsettia. She has many names - euphorbia, euphorbia, the most beautiful, Christmas star. According to legend, a child who did not have the money to buy a gift for Christ was gathering plants along the road. He firmly believed that if you give even a modest bouquet from the bottom of your heart, then it will be sweet and dear to the Lord. And when the child brought his plants into the church, they suddenly burst into red and green flowers - a Christmas miracle happened.

By tradition, at Christmas, poinsettia with red bracts is presented (after all, it is not the flowers that are decorative, but the bracts), you can buy varieties with white, greenish, pink, cream and even lilac bracts. Exquisite marbled hybrids such as Capri Marble and Cortez Cream... When buying, make sure that the plant is well packed - if the poinsettia freezes, the leaves will quickly fall off.

Poinsettia of different varietiesSchlumberger's truncated

The second most popular Christmas plant is the Decembrist - zygocactus, Schlumberger. The first flowers appear by the end of November, the peak of flowering falls on Christmas Eve, and fades towards the end of January. The color of flowers can be white, light or deep pink, scarlet, salmon. This cactus is quite unpretentious and can live in an apartment for many years without causing much trouble, unlike poinsettia, which is rather difficult to preserve and prepare for re-flowering. During the flowering period, it is important not to change the location for the Decembrist, it is also not recommended to turn the pot, otherwise the flowers can quickly fall off. Plant two or three varieties of different flower colors in one pot, and you will have a lively and safe New Year's fireworks.

Another favorite Christmas flower in Europe is hippeastrum. It symbolizes triumph, victory. Flowers in their appearance are sometimes compared with the trumpets of heralds, who in ancient times announced the decrees of the rulers and reported on the most important events and victories in battles. The bulb may not show signs of life for a long time, and by the Christmas holidays a large peduncle, crowned with three to five flowers, suddenly appears. The color of the flowers is different, the variety with white flowers is especially popular. Christmas Grift and a variety with scarlet flowers Minerva.

Hippeastrum hybrid Hercules

You can also give a hellebore. According to legend, people brought various gifts to the newborn Christ - some honey, some doves, some fruits and vegetables ... And only poor shepherdess Madelon shed bitter tears, because she could not give anything. An angel flying by took pity on the girl and threw a snow-white flower at her feet. It was this that she took to the newborn Christ. People called the flower hellebore because it blooms in the mountains under the snow, even in cold weather. Today you can buy and donate a black distillation hellebore in a pot, and save it until spring, plant it in the garden.

In New Year's wreaths and garlands, there are certainly branches of conifers, holly, ivy shoots. The glossy green leaves and red holly berries are not just a decoration, they are a sign of joy on the occasion of the birth of Christ. And the need for support for ivy shoots symbolizes the human need for divine help, as well as eternity and resurrection, love and fidelity.


If you find mistletoe, be sure to use it to decorate your home.This amazing plant has the ability to keep fresh for a long time, even when torn from the roots. And do not forget to kiss under the mistletoe, because it has long been considered a plant that protects and preserves love, health and prosperity in the family.

It has become fashionable to give coniferous plants in pots - various types of spruce, pine, fir, juniper and cypress. They are beautiful and lush, they look very good and add a unique resinous aroma to the atmosphere of the holiday. However, when making such a gift, do not forget - all conifers in the hot and dry air of the premises remain for only a few weeks, and then problems begin - the needles turn yellow, dry and crumble, twigs dry out. And if, in addition, the plant is treated with artificial snow, sparkles and other decor, it is weakened even more and, accordingly, will live less. Conifers are preserved only in cool conditions at a temperature of + 10 + 15 ° C, in a bright place and with moderate watering.

Coniferous plants

You can also please your loved ones and friends with other potted plants - haulteria, skimmia, ornamental pepper, nightshade, boxwood, laurel, azalea, cyclamen, Blossfeld's Kalanchoe.

Kalanchoe BlossfeldChristmas composition

Do not forget - for the New Year and Christmas, you can also give a cut - scarlet roses, chrysanthemums, orchids, as well as forcing plants - hyacinths, tulips, daffodils, freesias.


These holidays have many traditions and customs. Knowing them, you can create a truly magical fairy tale and celebrate the New Year in such a way that it will be remembered for a long time and, who knows if your dreams will come true!

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

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