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EKOGEL® is effective for plants, safe for you!

The uniqueness of the new biological product EKOGEL is in its high efficiency and absolute safety of the drug for humans, domestic animals, soil inhabitants and bees. Providing a stimulating effect on the growth, root formation and development of plants, the drug is an inducer of plant immunity and promotes plant resistance to most fungal and bacterial diseases: late blight, powdery mildew, black leg and root rot. EKOGEL increases the resistance of plants to unfavorable environmental conditions and relieves stress during transplantation, in case of damage as a result of frost, sudden temperature changes.

ECOGEL contains only natural components: natural biopolymer chitosan from crab shells, organic acids and silver ions, which provide an additional bactericidal effect.

Chitosan, which is part of EKOGEL, is a natural immunostimulant. When chitosan molecules hit the surface of the leaf, the plant activates the mechanism for the development of its own immunity, due to which the plants acquire resistance to pathogens and are able to withstand most fungal and bacterial infections. In parallel with the stimulation of its own immunity in the plant, a mechanism is turned on, which is responsible for the active growth of the root system and the aerial part.


EKOGEL has found wide application in vegetable growing, when growing seedlings, to protect vegetable crops from diseases and stressful situations... EKOGEL® can be used at all stages of plant development: starting from seeds, seedlings and on plants planted in a permanent place, even fruiting plantings can be processed without the risk of making the crop toxic and unusable.

Landing processing tomato, cucumber, pepper at the beginning of the growing season allows you to increase the yield by 15-20%, while significant savings can be due to the refusal or reduction in the concentration and frequency of treatments with traditional fungicides.

On potatoes, root vegetables, cabbage the profitability of the application reaches 30 rubles. per 1 ruble invested in EKOGEL® due to an increase in yield by 15-25% and a decrease in the incidence of scab, rhizoctonia, late blight and other diseases.

When using ECOGEL on seedlings it is recommended to alternate root watering and spraying of plants at intervals of two weeks. On planting potatoes or adult plants - you can limit yourself only to leaf treatments. An additional effect is provided by pre-planting treatment of seeds, tubers and bulbs: soaking in ECOGEL solution for 2-4 hours activates the germination processes, allows you to get friendly shoots and at the same time protects young shoots from diseases.



Drug consumption

Preparation of working solution

Working solution consumption

Method, processing time

Number of processing current

Total drug consumption per 1 ha

White cabbage and cauliflower

25ml / kg

25ml for 1 liter of water

1-2 l / kg

Soaking the seeds for 12-18 hours, just before sowing


1 ml / m2

1L for 100L of water

100 ml / m2

Spraying seedlings 7 days before planting in the soil.



4.0-4.5 l / ha

1L for 100L of water

400-450 l / ha

Spraying plants:

  • a week after transplant,
  • then 3 treatments with an interval of 10-14 days




25ml / kg

25ml for 1 liter of water

1-2 l / kg

Seed soaking


3.0-4.0 l / ha

1L for 100L of water

300-400 l / ha

Spraying plants in the phase:

  • at the beginning of the growing season,
  • again after 3 weeks


6-8 l


2.5 l / t

25l for 100l of water

10 l / t

Processing tubers before planting


7-9 l

3.0-4.0 l / ha

1L for 100L of water

300-400 l / ha

Spraying plants in the phase:

  • full shoots,
  • budding - the beginning of flowering


6-8 l

Table beet

25ml / kg

25ml for 1 liter of water

1-2 l / kg

Seed soaking


3.0-4.0 l / ha

1L for 100L of water

300-400 l / ha

Spraying plants in the phase:

  • two or three leaves,
  • again after 3 weeks


6-8 l

Cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, open field zucchini.

25ml / kg

25ml for 1 liter of water

1-2 l / kg

Soaking the seeds for 12-18 hours, just before sowing


1 ml / m2

1L for 100L of water

100 ml / m2

Spraying seedlings 7 days before planting in the soil.


10 l

4.0-4.5 l / ha

1L for 100L of water

400-450 l / ha

Spraying plants:

  • a week after transplant,
  • then 3 treatments with an interval of 10-14 days


16-18 l

EKOGEL found the widest application in growing vegetables in greenhouses, where the problem of plant protection is most acute. Specialists of one of the greenhouse plants in the Moscow region using ECOGEL on a cucumber in the winter turnover, it was noted that the plants obtained from seeds treated with "Ecogel" had noticeably larger leaf plates already 19 days after sowing. In plants treated at the seedling stage, the formation of whiskers began 3 days earlier than the control ones, and the transition to flowering accelerated by 5 days. Noticeable differences were observed in plant height. Taller plants had more developed leaves and an increase in the number of ovaries, which had a positive effect on their future yield. In the sections where "Ecogel" was introduced into the soil, the damage to plants by root-knot nematodes, fusarium and verticillary wilt decreased significantly. As a result, the yield of cucumber in the experimental sections was 15 - 18% higher than in the control.


The high efficiency of EKOGEL was noted when applied on a lawn, on annual and perennial ornamental crops, on shrubs and trees.

On annual crops, it is recommended to use ECOGEL even at the seedling stage, which allows you to get healthy seedlings with high decorativeness and resistance to black leg and root rot. The planted plants take root faster, have a powerful root system, which has a positive effect on the overall decorative effect of the plants.

In perennial crops, in addition to stimulating growth, development, the number of buds, an important aspect is protection against diseases. But it is very important to start preventive treatments even before the first signs of diseases appear - from the beginning of the growing season. On roses in early spring, even before the first leaves appear, it is recommended to water the plants under the root - this gives an impetus to the growth of young roots, makes the root system more resistant to rot and bacterial diseases. And when the first leaves are blooming, preventive treatments can be carried out on the leaf - this will prevent the appearance of powdery mildew, spotting and other fungal diseases. The whole range of treatments allows you to get healthy plants with a bright appearance.

On the lawn EKOGEL has a strong shoots and tillering of cereal grasses, which allows you to return the decorative effect even to problem areas of the lawn in a short time. The growing season is extended and the resistance of lawn grasses to high stress increases.

On trees and bushes EKOGEL is recommended to be used as an activator of root formation during plant transplantation. Soaking the root system before planting or watering the planting pit with a solution of the drug stimulates the growth of new suction roots, which provides a high probability of survival of trees and shrubs. Further processing of young plants on the leaf provides a powerful annual growth and a bright appearance.

REGULATIONS FOR APPLICATION OF ECOGEL® for ornamental crops of shrubs and trees.


Drug consumption

Preparation of working solution

Working solution consumption

Method, processing time

Number of treatments

Total drug consumption per 1 ha

Tulips, daffodils, hyacinths

25-38 ml / kg

25 ml for 1 liter of water

1-1.5 l / kg

Soaking the bulbs before planting for 2 hours


6-9 l

0.3-0.45 ml / m2

1L for 100L of water

30-45 ml / m2

Spraying plants in phases:

  • pushing buds,
  • colored buds.


Annual flower crops

25ml / kg

25 ml for 1 liter of water

1 l / kg

Soaking the seeds for 12-18 hours, just before sowing


1 ml / m2

1L for 100L of water

0.1 l / m2

Spraying seedlings 1-7 days before disembarkation.


10 l

0.5-1.0 ml / rast

1L for 100L of water

50-100 ml / rast


  • after disembarking seedlings,
  • again at intervals of 30 days.


0.3-0.45 ml / m2

1L for 100L of water

30-45 ml / m2

Spraying vegetative plants 14 days after each watering.


6-9 l

Rose, spirea, cinquefoil, elderberry, barberry, honeysuckle, derain, hydrangea

25 ml / bush

1.25 l per 100 l of water

2 l / bush

Spraying plants:

  • in the phase of young leaves,
  • one- or two-time treatment with an interval of 3 weeks.


25 ml / bush

1.25 l per 100 l of water

2 l / bush

Spraying plants 1-7 days before or immediately after transplanting.


25 ml / l

25 ml for 1 liter of water

10L for 500-10000 chern.

Immerse the bases of the cuttings in an aqueous solution of the preparation for 20 hours.


Pine (ordinary, black, mountain),

larch (Siberian, European),

spruce, thuja

50-100 ml / tree

1L for 100L of water

5-10 l / wood

Spraying plants in the phase:

  • active growth of young needles,
  • one- or two-time treatment with an interval of 3 weeks.


50-100 ml / tree

1L for 100L of water

5-10 l / wood

Spraying of plants: 1-7 days before transplanting or immediately after it.


Norway maple and ash-leaved maple,

common ash, small-leaved linden, birch, mountain ash, oak, elm, poplar.

50-100 ml / tree

1L for 100L of water

5-10 l / wood

Spraying plants:

  • in the phase of active growth of young foliage,
  • then one- or two-time treatment with an interval of 3 weeks.


50-100 ml / tree

1L for 100L of water

5-10 l / wood

Spraying plants 1-7 days before or immediately after transplanting.


A distinctive feature of the new EKOGEL® biostimulator from analogs is the non-hormonal basis of the drug.

EKOGEL® is created on the basis of natural ingredients that do not accumulate in plant tissues and soil. Unlike pesticides, such preparations are environmentally friendly to humans and the environment. Environmental friendliness and unique properties of ECOGEL are appreciated not only by professionals. Gardeners, gardeners and indoor plant lovers successfully use special modifications of the drug to care for their green pets.

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