Useful information

How to grow ferns?

Based on the materials of the magazine

Garden & Kindergarten №1, 2006



For all the diversity, ferns show a rare unanimity in terms of growing conditions. All of these species will feel great if you have an area shaded by tall trees with constantly moist, sufficiently light and nutritious soil. Osmunda, female cochinate, male dwarf and onoklea will grow in the sun if they are well watered. In the summer heat, watering is necessary for ferns - none of them likes dry soil and air. And in the period from May to July, they will be grateful to feeding with complex mineral fertilizer once every three weeks.

The soil can also be versatile - a mixture of peat, compost and sand in a 1: 1: 1 ratio. But even loam will not confuse these plants, only long-rhizomed species will become more compact.


The easiest way is to propagate long-rooted ferns, for this you just need plant in a new place a piece of horizontal rhizome with several roots and at least one bud.

Species with a short rhizome and rosette form of growth can be divided if several rosettes have formed on the plant. It is best to carry out this operation in the spring before the deployment of the wai, in cool weather. Having dug up the plant, they cut it between the sockets with a knife so that there are roots on each division. After planting the delots, they must be well watered.

Ferns can be divided in August-September, subject to cool weather and guaranteed watering.

Species that do not form additional rosettes and always have only one growth point reproduce exclusively by sowing spores.


Subject to agricultural technology, ferns in the garden are practically not affected by diseases and pests. Slugs can inflict the greatest damage, and even they would rather “spoil the appearance” than destroy the plant. They fight them by placing traps, manually collecting or laying out metaldehyde preparations.

Occasionally, brown spots can be seen on the fringes of ferns. They are most often a sign of fungal and bacterial diseases that can lead to rotting and death of the plant. To save the affected specimens, diseased fronds must be cut and burned, and the plant should be watered so that water does not fall on the “leaves”. If necessary, you can use fungicides (“Maxim”).

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