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Why the plum does not bear fruit

Plum is one of the most common stone fruit crops found in the garden. It's nice to harvest and enjoy the quality and quantity. However, what if there is a lush flowering, and the plum does not bear fruit? Disappointed and buy at the bazaars or can find out the reasons for this embarrassment?


So, there are main reasons why a plum may not bear fruit. Let's sort them out in order and decide on the solution to the problems.

  1. One of the first I would like to highlight self-infertility. You cannot plant a plum tree in one tree. Plant 2 seedlings close to each other so they can pollinate during flowering. If the site is small and planting different varieties of plums and pears for pollination is impossible, then either graft onto a fruiting tree, or, if a neighbor's plum tree grows near your fence, plant your own nearby. Pay attention to the presence of pollinating bees, if they are not, it is bad. In order not to risk it, plant a self-pollinated plum variety.
  2. When planting, the place of growth of the plum was correctly selected with a depth of groundwater not higher than 2 m and not flooded with melt water for a long time. The acidity (pH) should be neutral, so it will be better if dolomite flour or ash is added when planting plums. When planting, the place of growth of the plum was correctly selected with a depth of groundwater not higher than 2 m and not flooded with melt water for a long time.
  3. Ovary shedding is influenced by weather conditions and care. A plum tree ceases to bear fruit if, in the phase of ovary formation, there was waterlogging of the soil or a prolonged drought. Nutrients begin to go not into fruits, but for survival. Cold, stable rainy weather will have an extremely negative effect during this period, even if there are several varieties of plum. The pollen will ripen slowly and poorly separate from the anthers, and in bad weather there are much less pollinating insects. But from the wind and temperature drops, pollen is sterilized. The ovaries will fall off less with the timely and regular shaping of the tree, because thickening of the crown reduces its light transmission.
  4. Plum does not bear fruit on depleted soil. Apply a complex mineral fertilizer every 2-3 years. Make a 25 cm deep circle near the trunk and add a handful of fertilizer to each. Fill the holes with soil.
  5. Frostbreakers on a tree reduce yields, so choose seedlings for planting zoned varieties, although this is not a 100% solution to the problem. Clean the wounds and cover with garden varnish. Temper the tree - in the fall, when the foliage falls, spend abundant watering, but without stagnant water.
  6. A fruiting tree can turn into a "decorative" tree due to pests and diseases. The main enemies of plums are sawflies, caterpillars, aphids and moths. Diseases: gray fruit rot, clasterosporium disease.
Plum Yakhontovaya

"Ural gardener", No. 5, 2018

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