Useful information

Hamedorea: home care

Unlike many other popular types of palm trees, hamedorea can thrive at home without causing a lot of hassle. Good adaptation to indoor conditions is due to their shade tolerance - in nature they grow under the canopy of large trees. More often than other species, the graceful chamedorea is now grown (Chamaedorea elegans) and hamedorea metal (Chamaedorea metallica).

Description of the genus - on the page Hamedorea.

Hamedorea graceful

Illumination... In nature, chamedoreans grow in the lower tier of forests, therefore they easily tolerate low illumination in rooms. Do not expose these palms to direct sun to avoid leaf discoloration and burns. Hamedorei grow well on north-facing windows; on south-facing windows, protection from direct sunlight will be required. They can be content with only artificial light (LED or luminescent), being under illumination all year round.

Air temperature and quality. Hamedoreas grow well at room temperatures that are comfortable for humans. It is undesirable for it to rise above + 30оС. In winter, when the luminous flux drops, it is better to slightly lower the temperature of the content to about + 16 + 18 ° C, but not lower it below + 12 ° C. It is imperative to monitor good ventilation of the room; with stagnant air, plants are easily affected by a tick. Chamedorea is quite calm about drafts, but frosty air is unacceptable on the plant.

The optimum humidity for chamedorea is about 50%; with a drier air, the likelihood of being hit by a spider mite increases. At temperatures above + 18 ° C, especially on hot days, the plant should be sprayed with water. It is advisable to arrange a warm shower for the palm tree at least once a month, this will free the leaves from the dust accumulated on them. As a good filter for harmful compounds, chamedorea itself improves indoor air quality.

Watering. Hamedoreas are very sensitive to waterlogging. You should not bring the earthen lump to complete drying, but you must definitely wait for it to dry at least half the height before the next watering. Hamedorea will tolerate slight overdrying much better than regular waterlogging. A sign of waterlogging is the appearance of large dry brown spots on the leaves. Water the plant from above with lukewarm, settled soft water, remove excess water from the pan. In winter, with a cool content, watering is reduced, bringing the soil to almost complete drying, but not overdrying.

Top dressing are applied from spring to autumn according to the instructions, using complex fertilizers for palms or for decorative deciduous plants.

Hamedorea metal

Transplant and soil composition. Young plants are transplanted every year in spring or early summer by neat transfer to a slightly larger pot. More adults - once every few years as the roots fill the entire volume of the soil. It is enough for large plants in tubs to periodically, once every few months, change the topsoil to a fresh one. Hamedoreas are usually sold in several copies in one pot - it is undesirable to divide them into separate stems so as not to damage the roots and reduce the decorative effect of the plant.

As a substrate, a ready-made soil for palm trees, dracaena, universal or for decorative deciduous plants is suitable, it is advisable to add additional perlite to it for good drainage of the soil throughout the volume. For hamedorei, a lighter soil is recommended than for other types of palm trees, if sod land is added, then in small proportions.

Read more about the transplant - in the article Transplanting indoor plants.

Multiply chamedorea by seeds, separation of root suckers or air layers.

The seeds germinate about a month after sowing at a temperature of about + 25 ° C.Seedlings may appear spontaneously, some will take several months (up to six months) to germinate. Seed germination drops rapidly after extraction from the fruit.

It is better to separate the offspring in the spring, before the start of active growth, trying not to damage the roots. Separated offspring should have their own well-developed roots. For greater decorativeness, several specimens are planted together.

Hamedoreas carry adventitious roots on the stem, thanks to their presence, it is possible to rejuvenate a heavily bare plant with the help of air layers. But we must remember that the cut mother stem will not give lateral shoots and will die.

Diseases and pests... Hamedorea under unfavorable conditions can be affected by fungal diseases. To avoid them, keep the plant in sufficient light, keep the leaves clean, and provide an optimal temperature and good ventilation. If a disease is detected, treat the plant with fungicidal preparations.

Hamedoreas can be affected by mealybugs, scale insects, ticks.

How to deal with them - in the article Houseplant pests and control measures.

Possible growing difficulties

  • The appearance of brown spots on the leaves... The reason is the waterlogging of the plant. It is necessary to reduce the frequency of watering, especially in winter, to let the soil dry out quite well throughout the volume, but not to dry it completely.
  • The appearance of white and black spots on the leaves... A possible cause is burns if the plant is exposed to direct sunlight. It is necessary to rearrange the palm tree to a less illuminated place.
  • Lightening of leaves, the appearance of small whitish spots on the leaves... The reason is in the defeat of the tick. It is necessary to wash the leaves on both sides under a warm shower and arrange for care, be sure to provide good ventilation of the room where the plant is located, treat with acaricides in case of severe damage.

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