Useful information

Useful properties of an orange


Today, oranges, along with mangoes and peaches, are among the three most delicious fruits in the world. And not only tasty, but also healthy.

Cm. Orange is a Chinese apple.

100 g of orange contains only 36 kcal.

The worldwide popularity of the orange is explained not only by the wonderful taste of its fruits, but also by the unique chemical composition with a high content of nutrients contained in its pulp, and in its juice, and in its peel and even in its seeds. The main advantage of an orange is a high content of vitamin C (50 mg per 100 g), only 150 g of an orange satisfy a person's daily need for ascorbic acid. Orange fruits have a general strengthening effect on the body and increase immunity.

It is worth noting that orange accumulates vitamin C in the peel three times more than in the pulp. And the orange "armor" of the orange, which accounts for about a quarter of the fruit's weight, is quite remarkable. A fragrant essential oil is extracted from its outer layer, called the flavedo. And the inner, white layer - albedo - is one of the richest sources of pectin, as well as the white column in the middle of the orange.


Pectins are beneficial for digestion and promote the elimination of harmful substances from the body. And they also give culinary products a special consistency, tender and strong at the same time. It is thanks to the pectin that orange jams and marmalades are so good.

In addition to vitamin C, an orange contains a solid range of vitamins and minerals necessary for the human body: vitamins B, A, PP, E; minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc); pectins; phytoncides; anthocyanins; citric and salicylic acid; essential oil. Speaking of essential oil, the smell of orange is very popular. It is considered the most beloved in the world after the chocolate and vanilla aromas.

About varieties - in the article Orange varieties.

Medicinal properties of orange

Only fragmentary information has come down to us about the use of oranges in ancient medicine. Medieval doctors used different parts of the orange for certain kidney diseases, as well as for acute intestinal diseases. The healing properties of orange peel were especially highly valued at that time. Fresh and in the form of infusions, they were prescribed for various kinds of fevers. Moreover, the healing effect of orange peel was compared with the very famous china in those days. In Italy, orange water was distilled from orange flowers, which was prescribed as a diaphoretic and hemostatic agent. Orange juice was highly regarded as a reliable remedy for scurvy and flu. Oranges were also widely used to make all kinds of healing elixirs.

Today, thanks to a balanced combination of nutrients, oranges are used in the complex treatment of a wide range of various diseases: colds and various viral diseases; anemia and anemia, hypertension and vascular and heart diseases; obesity, atherosclerosis, gout, scurvy, periodontal disease and bleeding gums; gastritis and low stomach acidity; increased nervous excitability, etc.

Orange, along with grapefruit, contains a unique plant flavonoid - naringenin, which is able to neutralize free radicals in the human body, which slows down the process of premature skin aging.

For medicinal purposes, in order not to lose essential oils, bioflavonoids and pectins, which are rich in zest and seeds, it is recommended to squeeze oranges whole for juice.

Orange leaves purify the air and saturate the room with phytoncides, which have a detrimental effect on various pathogenic bacteria. This property is one of the factors in favor of growing oranges at home.

In addition to useful properties, orange also has quite serious contraindications for some categories of people.Orange is one of the strongest plant allergens, so allergy sufferers, young children and nursing women should eat fruit with caution. These fruits are contraindicated for everyone who suffers from severe chronic diseases of internal organs or stomach ulcers. The high sugar content of an orange can be harmful to diabetics.



Oranges in cooking


Orange is one of the world leaders in popularity among fruits, and orange juice is the most popular juice in the world.

Orange is an important ingredient in numerous dishes from various cuisines of the world. This fruit traditionally goes well with vegetables, fish, poultry.

National Moroccan cuisine is one of the world leaders in the use of oranges. Fruits, vegetables, meat and seafood are used to create Moroccan national dishes. But the main feature of traditional Moroccan cuisine is spices and oranges. Moroccans say that aromatic herbs and citrus fruits create the very original taste of their national dishes, giving the one who eats them a whole fireworks of unique taste sensations.

Moroccan dishes with oranges:

  • Moroccan carrot salad with olives and mint
  • Warm Moroccan salad with couscous, orange and pumpkin
  • Chicken with orange, fennel and Moroccan potatoes

The range of uses of oranges in the culinary arts is unusually wide. In salad recipes, both the pulp and the zest of the orange, as well as its juice, are often used. Oranges are added to soups and main courses of pork, beef, poultry and fish, as well as to baked goods and desserts. Original vegetable dishes can be prepared with oranges. Jams, confitures and jams are made from oranges; make liqueurs and mulled wine; prepare smoothies, as well as sauces and marinades.

Chinese sweet orange

It takes about two weeks for an orange tree to bloom. Beekeepers living in different countries of the world in the regions where orange groves grow, in this short period try to pump more amazingly pure and transparent orange honey, which has a unique light texture.

Even the peel of an orange has found a variety of uses: in pies, candied fruits, cocktails, apple jam. Even mustard is made from it, which is extremely popular in Italy as a traditional seasoning for meat.

Recipes with oranges:

  • Exotic tequila salad
  • Ginger cream soup with carrots and oranges
  • Universal orange sauce for meat
  • Orange sauce with honey and rosemary
  • Orange sauce with mustard and sesame seeds for meat
  • Pumpkin pie with orange, spices and cognac
  • Assorted beans salad with orange dressing and cilantro
  • Grilled chicken "Sicilian style"
  • Baked ricotta cheese with almonds and figs with ginger-citrus sauce
  • Tea with cardamom and orange
  • Orange pancakes
  • Bananas with oranges and brandy in the oven
  • Spicy pork ribs with cranberry-orange sauce
  • Milk orange cocktail
  • Salmon steak with orange sauce
  • Orange salad with chicken, ginger and tarragon

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