Useful information

Reproduction of primroses

Long-term observations of primroses convince that they should not be grown in one place for more than 3-4 years. During this time, the soil is depleted. Growing up with its upper part, the plant

Composition from Primulas Julia, Siebold and

phlox spread out in the garden by L. Bogatkova

turns out to be above ground level and dries up in the air. It is necessary to add soil to such plants during the season and in the fall, and the next year they must be transplanted.

It is better to transplant primroses immediately after flowering, but you can do this at other times, but no later than August 15th. To do this, the primrose is carefully dug out with a lump of earth and transferred to a new place, having previously prepared a hole of the required depth for this. The ground around the primrose is watered, and in the hot time of the day, it is shaded.

If you need to divide the primrose after flowering, then this work must be combined with a transplant. When dividing primroses, each species must be approached individually, since they develop and bloom at different times. For example, Siebold's primrose cannot be divided successfully in early spring and fall. She wakes up later than others, and by mid-August her leaves completely die off. The pink primrose flowers bloom in early spring, and there are almost no leaves at this time. Taking this feature into account, it can be divided when the rosettes of leaves are completely formed.

Sometimes, wanting to quickly multiply some (or a rare variety, growers begin to divide the primrose into very small divisions every year. This should not be done because of the risk that they will not overwinter).

Japanese primrose requires more frequent division and transplantation, since when thickened, its leaves grow and impede air exchange between individual plants. Under these conditions, rotting of the leaves located near the ground can occur, which leads to its death. Therefore, it must be seated at one outlet.

Small-toothed primrose in Sazonov's garden

If there is no need to combine the division of the primrose with its transplant, then you can carefully dig in the ground from the side of the delenka, without disturbing the plant, separate it. P. ear can be propagated by cuttings. It is best carried out in May - June. To do this, you need to carefully separate the stalk from the stem with a knife, plant it in a shaded greenhouse or under a glass jar and leave it there until spring. In the spring, the plant is transplanted to a permanent place. If there is a need to multiply the primrose auricular very quickly, then you need to pinch the apical kidney from it. This will cause the lateral buds to awaken and many cuttings can be obtained.

You can propagate primroses by seeds. In most species, they are formed in large quantities, ripen well and, under favorable conditions, multiply by self-sowing and beautiful plants grow. They reproduce worse by seeds of primrose with blue shades of flowers.

For sowing, only freshly harvested seeds should be used, because they quickly lose their germination. You can sow in the garden before winter, but it is better in boxes, burying them in the ground. In this case, the weeds will not clog the seedlings in the spring.

If you purchased seeds from the store or want to plant your seeds in the spring, you need to prepare the soil consisting of two parts of leaf humus, one part of peat and one part of sand. Fill the container with prepared soil, sow the seeds finely, water and cover with glass so that the moisture evaporates less. The sown seeds are subjected to cold stratification in the refrigerator for 20-30 days. Seedlings will appear in 2-3 weeks. When the first leaf develops, it is necessary to gradually accustom the seedlings to fresh air. After the appearance of 2-3 leaves, primrose dive into boxes with nutrient soil at a distance of 2 cm from each other. Water regularly, but in moderation. After the leaves of the seedlings close, they are transplanted with a lump of earth to a permanent place, shade and make sure that they do not dry out. For the winter, young plants should be covered with spruce branches.

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