
Kvass from grape leaves

Type of drinks Ingredients

Grape leaves - 400 g,

sugar - 200 g,

water - 1.5 liters.

Cooking method

Rinse the grape leaves thoroughly.

Using a blender, grind the leaves into gruel so that they let the juice out.

Put the leaves in a 3 liter jar, add sugar. Pour water in a proportion of 75% - leaves, 25% - sugar.

Cover the jar with a lid and place in a warm place for 2-3 days.

After this period, the lid should be ripped off the can from the pressure of gases (if the can was filled completely). If the lid has not been torn off, insist until the drink acquires a yellow tint and a characteristic kvass smell. Strain the finished kvass and bottle it.

Store in the refrigerator, serve chilled.


This is a classic recipe for making kvass from grape leaves. For kvass, you can take both old and young branches of grapes with leaves. The drink is prepared only once, that is, after receiving the finished kvass, the raw materials are thrown away.

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