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Healing garlic

All scientists agree that garlic is one of the oldest cultivated plants. According to the Greek historian Herodotus, the builders of the Cheops pyramid in Ancient Egypt supported their strength with onions, radishes and garlic. In ancient Rome, garlic was always given to warriors during difficult multi-day marches to quickly recuperate. In Russia, for a long time, garlic was recognized as the best remedy for plague, cholera and other misfortunes.

Research by modern scientists has confirmed the amazing healing power of garlic. It turned out that it kills pathogens of many extremely dangerous diseases, for example, tuberculosis and diphtheria bacilli. Moreover, not only the garlic itself has healing power, but also its smell. Breathing in the scent of crushed garlic bulbs (yes, enjoyable!) Is a proven folk remedy for colds and sore throats. Our ancestors used garlic itself as an antidote for snake bites, so it was even called "snake grass".

Garlic also helps in other cases of poisoning. Japanese scientists have proven that even a small amount of garlic extract protects our body from the destructive effects of heavy metals - lead, mercury, cadmium. That is why in Japan, residents of big cities, forced to breathe in exhaust fumes, are advised by doctors to eat fresh garlic every day.

And yet, most literally everywhere, this vegetable crop is in demand, first of all, as a powerful "weapon" in the fight against various colds - sore throat, acute respiratory infections, laryngitis, especially of an infectious nature.

If there is a person sick with the flu in the room, then peeled cloves of garlic spread in different places significantly reduce the possibility of infection with this ailment of other people.

Inhalation of garlic vapors gives a good result in the treatment of various colds. The easiest and most accessible way of such inhalation for everyone is to grind a clove of garlic, put the resulting gruel in a cup and inhale its aroma 3-4 times a day for 10 minutes, or breathe it through an inhaler. Each time for inhalation, you will need to take fresh cloves of garlic.

For the prevention of influenza, it is also recommended to take garlic orally, chewing it thoroughly, or eat 1 teaspoon of garlic gruel with honey. For prevention, it is enough to take just 1 teaspoon of such gruel before bedtime. If you do get sick with the flu, then you need to take the garlic-honey mixture 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon.

In the treatment of influenza, another purely "garden" medicine also helps very well. To prepare it, you need to pour 1 tablespoon of chopped leafy branches of sea buckthorn with 1.5 glass of hot water, bring to a boil and cook in a water bath for 5–6 minutes. Then add 1 teaspoon of garlic gruel to the broth, insist in a warm place for 30 minutes, then strain. Take 0.5 cups 3 times per night. This remedy is good for both initial malaise and in the stage of deep illness, especially at high temperatures.

If at a high temperature of a cold nature, severe headaches are tormented, then pounded garlic is insisted in table vinegar, then the fabric is moistened in the resulting infusion and tightly tied around the head.

For all colds, tincture of garlic in wine is an excellent remedy. To prepare it, you need to pour 150 g of garlic gruel with 0.5 liters of Cahors wine and leave for 15 days, periodically shaking the contents, then strain. In case of illness, take hot 1 tablespoon every hour. It is useful to simultaneously rub the back and chest with this tincture 1-2 times a day.

The healing properties of garlic are due to its chemical composition. It is characterized by a high content of dry matter in leaves and bulbs (up to 40%), the bulk of which is represented by carbohydrates - up to 27%, proteins - up to 7%.The leaves contain vitamins C, E, PP. Green leaves of garlic are especially rich in vitamin C (up to 100 mg%). It also contains nitrogenous substances, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, silicic, sulfuric, phosphoric acids, phytosterols, extractives, phytoncides and essential oils.

The characteristic smell and taste of garlic is explained by the content of essential oil in it, which contains sulfur, the compounds of which kill various harmful microorganisms. This property of sulfur compounds is enhanced by the presence of a large amount of phytoncides in garlic.

Garlic phytoncides are stronger than onions, moreover, in terms of strength and speed of action, they surpass many medical antibacterial drugs. Chewing a slice of this fragrant "vegetable doctor" for several minutes completely disinfects the oral cavity from harmful microorganisms.

Currently, in this vegetable culture, scientists have discovered more than 100 chemical compounds that are used in the treatment of various diseases.

Garlic preparations enhance the motor and secretory function of the intestines, suppress the processes of putrefaction and fermentation in it. The well-known tablet allochol contains, in terms of dry matter, garlic extract - 0.04 grams, nettle extract - 0.005 grams, condensed bile - 0.08 grams, activated carbon - 0.02 grams.

This vegetable is also useful for various gastrointestinal diseases (dysentery, diarrhea, colitis, constipation), and its water infusions reduce blood sugar.

If you avoid eating this healthy product just because of its peculiar aroma, then there are some simple tricks to freshen your breath, just chew a slice of lemon or a sprig of parsley, a few cardamom or cinnamon seeds, or rinse your mouth with natural milk.

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