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Application of AVA fertilizer in floriculture

For successful development, all ornamental plants require good quality nutrition. What is it? If, at the initial stage of growth, for the growth of green mass, plants need, first of all, nitrogen, then already during the formation of buds and further, the predominance of the phosphorus-potassium component is necessary. In some cases, plants can even stimulate the process of bud formation and flowering by switching to a phosphorus-potassium diet. The same elements are the main ones at the end of summer and autumn, when perennials undergo intensive development of the root system, in which nutrients are stored.

The complex fertilizer AVA, containing phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur and 9 essential trace elements, is an excellent fertilizer for all plants that are grown for beautiful, eye-pleasing flowers.

Research carried out by specialists in the Botanical Garden, the experience of professional gardeners and amateur gardeners, have demonstrated excellent results of using this fertilizer when growing peonies, gladioli, roses, phloxes, tulips, irises, lilies, daylilies, aquilegia, asters and many other crops.

So, at peonies, application of AVA fertilizer causes an increase in the number of peduncles. At the same time, large flowers develop on all peduncles, with an intense, contrasting color of the petals. Have daylilies, the use of AVA fertilizer also increases the number of peduncles and the intensity of the color of flowers, thanks to the use of this fertilizer, they increase the number of strong layering, and the percentage of survival of young plants increases. Liliesgrown on AVA have larger flower sizes, stem length and diameter. In the experiment, the plants, under which the AVA fertilizer was applied in autumn, were able to successfully withstand spring frosts down to -6оС. The effect of AVA fertilization on the flowering of bulbous plants becomes noticeable in the second year after application, and in the first year, larger and higher quality bulbs are formed. Tulips in the second year, they acquire the ability to withstand frosts down to -7оС, their flower size and peduncle length increase significantly.

Application technology

For annuals, AVA is introduced into the soil at the rate of 10-15 g / m2 granules or 5-10 g / m2. powder; for perennials planted in a permanent place, 5–20 grams are applied per plant; when planting bulbs, additionally add one to three AVA granules into the planting hole.

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