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Momordica in cooking


Momordica pulp and seeds are widely used in Asian cuisine. They are boiled, fried, added to salads, stews and soups. Momordica goes well with potatoes, various meats, seafood, unsweetened yoghurts, coconut, vegetables. The high protein and vitamin content, high nutritional value (far superior to popular peppers and eggplants) determine the popularity and wide choice of dishes with bitter melon. Salads, snacks and soups are seasoned with young leaves and shoots of the plant, which contain a lot of useful folic acid. Momordica fruits are also eaten at the stage of milky ripeness, and when fully ripened they are equally useful and tasty, the only difference is in astringency and sharpness of taste.

The pulp of the momordica fruit is similar to pumpkin, but with a noticeable bitterness in taste. Young fruits taste very much like a cucumber. They can be fried in oil, added to salads. Fully ripe fruits hide red seeds inside, which taste like persimmon and pomegranate at the same time. They are quite tough, so they need to be boiled before use.

Few people know that momordica is one of the main ingredients of the world famous Indian national seasoning - curry.

It's hard to believe, but a very unusual and very tasty jam is made from Momordica. And when this sweet mass is mixed with alcohol, a very aromatic homemade wine, tincture or liqueur is obtained. Momordica seeds are especially valuable because of their high content of trace elements and vitamins. The seeds have a nutty-tropical taste, so they are used as an additive to various confectionery products - cookies, cakes, buns.

Momordica is also used in canning - it gives an unexpected piquancy to marinades. For pickling, fruits are used in technical ripeness.

Momordica is most popular in Chinese and Thai cuisine. With her, one of the most famous Chinese dishes in the world is prepared - fried bitter melon with Chinese black beans and shrimp or beef.


The age of a bitter melon fruit is determined by its skin color. Green fruits are less ripe, and if their color is closer to yellow or orange, then they are fully ripe. Chefs usually work with stronger, unripe fruits. Several "geographical" variations can be identified in appearance: Chinese bitter melons are most similar to a cucumber, albeit in "warts"; Indian bitter melon tends to show a darker color range and the skin folds in ripples around the entire fruit; Thai momordics are most often white in color, they tend to be softer in texture and more bitter in taste. It is best to choose small to medium sized melons to ensure that they are firm. Larger fruit is not better, it will be more bitter.


Momordica fruits can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks, best of all at a temperature not higher than + 11 ... + 13 ° C and high humidity - about 90%.

Recipes with Momordica:

  • Momordica Stir-Fry
  • Chinese style pork with bitter melon
  • Momordica with shrimp in Chinese
  • Momordica juice
  • Pickled Momordica
  • Fried Momordica
  • Stuffed momordica
  • Momordica stew with shrimp and ginger
  • Momordica Leaf Morning Drink

Read also:

  • Growing Momordica
  • The beneficial properties of momordica

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