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Forcing the poultry farm

Tirsoid poultry

Poultry farms are bulbous plants that are not very common in our culture, therefore, they are practically not used for amateur forcing. The Dutch flower industry, on the other hand, supplies poultry cuttings and pot forcing almost all year round.

For forcing are African species of poultry, which have pyramidal inflorescences of 20-25 flowers on high peduncles. In our zone, they are not winter-hardy, they can only be cultivated as summer plants in the open field or as container plants, and are rarely found on sale in autumn or spring (bulbs are available for industrial forcing almost all year round).

The bulbs are stored in conditions of 60-70% humidity and good ventilation. Planting is carried out in a universal soil for potted plants (pH 6-6.5), with mandatory drainage. The bulbs are planted at a distance of 1 cm from the walls of the pot and 2 cm from each other. The depth of the pot should be greater than the width, providing room for root development.

Forcing technology for different species is somewhat different.

Poultry arabic (Ornithogalum arabicum)

Mediterranean species with high, up to 85 cm, peduncles. In industrial floriculture, it is grown for cut. Each bulb gives one peduncle with a racemose inflorescence of 8-12 large, up to 5 cm in diameter, white fragrant flowers with an ovary center that turns black when ripe.

For early spring forcing, take bulbs over 18 cm in circumference, store at a temperature of + 25 ° C, and place them in cooler conditions a month before planting, up to + 17 ° C.

Suitable for year-round forcing. Planting density in the greenhouse per cut - 60 bulbs / m2. First, the temperature is maintained at +10 .. + 15 ° C for rooting, then it is raised to + 20 ° C. As flowering approaches, watering is increased.

Birdhouse Sounders(Ornithogalum saundersiae)

South African species up to 1 m tall. The flowers are white or cream, with a black ovary center when ripe.

For distillation, take bulbs over 14 cm in circumference. Each bulb produces 1 peduncle. Forcing conditions are the same as for the Arabian poultry farm.

Tirsoid poultry(Ornithogalum thyrsoides)

Tirsoid poultry

South African species, up to 75 cm tall, with white goblet-shaped flowers, collected in a racemose inflorescence of 20-25 flowers.

For forcing, varieties are used more often, since species plants bloom later. On a cut - higher (Mount Everest, Mount Fuji), in pots - more compact (25-50 cm), giving more than one peduncle from each bulb (Fred Mejer, Starlight, Eloff, Stam 90). Bulbs with a diameter of 6 cm give 2 peduncles, 5-6 cm - more often 1 peduncle. The industrial Dutch variety Stam 90 has smaller bulbs, 3-4 cm in circumference, but produces 2-4 peduncles.

To interrupt the dormant period of the bulb, first 7-8 weeks. contain at + 28 ° C, then stored at + 23 ° C, and for 3-4 weeks. before planting, the temperature is reduced to + 17 ° C.

To obtain potted products, planting can be carried out from late September to January (for flowering from mid-January to mid-May). In the greenhouse, they are planted in the ground at 90 pcs / m2. Place 3 onions in pots with a diameter of 9-10 cm, 12 cm - 5 bulbs, covered with a layer of soil 3-5 cm. Water well after planting, then watering is moderate. Light feeding with special fertilizers for bulbous plants is desirable, no more than 1 time per month. Plants that are overfed, especially with nitrogen, are more susceptible to blackleg disease.

Cultivation conditions: temperature 10-150C, humidity 60-80%. The need for light of 600 J / cm2 / day is satisfied by supplementary illumination with phyto lamps with a power of 150 W / m2, the duration of daylight hours is 10 hours.

Blooms 13 weeks after planting, cultivation duration - up to 20 weeks. For 4 weeks. before flowering, slightly reduce watering.

Doubtful birdhouse(Ornithogalum dubium)

South African species 30-40 cm high, with pyramidal inflorescences consisting of saucer-shaped flowers of bright color, most often deep orange (sold under the name Ornithogalum Orange) or yellow (Ornithogalum Gold), more rare red and white.

Small bulbs, 2-5 cm in circumference, give 1-2 peduncles, larger ones, 5-6 cm or more - 2-3 peduncles.

To interrupt the dormant period of the bulb 7 weeks. store at + 28оС (permissible from +25 to + 30оС), for 3 weeks. before planting, the temperature is reduced to + 17 ° C.

Planting can be done from mid-December to mid-May. When planted at the end of September, the plants will bloom by the New Year, when planted in mid-October, in February, when planted in mid-December, at the end of March-April. In a pot with a diameter of 9-10 cm, plant 1-3 bulbs, 12 cm - 3-5 bulbs. Fall asleep with a layer of soil 2-3 cm.

Cultivation conditions: + 20 ... + 250C, air humidity 60-80%. The illumination is bright, as for the tirsoid poultry farm, the daylight hours are 10 hours. Plants bloom after 12 weeks, producing 2 waves of flowering within 2 months. The soil is kept moist at all times. Light feeding with special fertilizers for bulbous plants is desirable.

The inflorescences of the poultry farms are cut when the lower flowers are colored. Cutting the poultry yard stands in the water for a long time - 2-4 weeks.

After flowering, the plants are kept under the same conditions. The faded peduncles are cut off, the plants are fed once, and the watering is gradually reduced. After the leaves die off, the bulb goes into a dormant state.

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