

Radish is a fairly ancient product. As the chronicles testify, it was included in the diet of the slaves who built the Cheops pyramid, was on the menu of the Roman soldiers, and in China and Japan it was grown 500-700 years before our era. However, different radishes were cultivated in Europe and Asia.

Sowing radish pods

The genus of radish is represented by three types: wild (field) radish, radish and sowing (garden) radish. In these herbaceous plants, like other representatives of the cabbage family, the flower consists of 4 sepals, 4, as a rule, yellow, criss-cross petals, pistil, 4 long and 2 short stamens. And in one group they are united by the structure of the fruit - only in radishes have pods with a long nose and a conical shape. Moreover, they often have a highly developed internal tissue (parenchyma), so the pods seem to be swollen. Finally, the relationship is confirmed by the fact that these species interbreed with each other. With cabbage of all types, rutabagas and turnips, the radish is not cross-pollinated, therefore it is allowed to place it with them in the same area or in the neighborhood.

All radishes are long day plants. But they, in addition to varieties of summer European radish, can be sown at several times: from mid-April to the end of May and in the first decade of July. Since seeds need moist soil for germination, during summer sowing, the beds should be watered abundantly beforehand.

All representatives of the genus radish have a characteristic tart, rare taste and are used as medicinal. However, each species has its own special chemical composition, which determines the purpose of the radish.

The richest in tart essential oils, bitter glycosides are winter varieties of European radish. These compounds have bactericidal properties and can replace antibiotics. And this radish also contains a substance similar in effect to human lysozyme (destroys bacterial cells). Therefore, black radish is used to treat bronchitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis, influenza, staphylococcal, streptococcal infections and dysbiosis associated with a violation of the intestinal microflora.

These substances also remove excess cholesterol from the body, dissolve stones in the bile ducts, renal pelvis, urinary and gall bladder. And since black radish is also rich in mineral salts of calcium, potassium and sodium, it should be added to the menu for those who have high blood pressure and problems with blood vessels. The roots of this radish are distinguished not only by a high content of vitamin C, but by the most complete set of B vitamins, as well as by the presence of vitamin E, which is important for reproductive function, and since black radish is one of the leaders in the accumulation of dietary fiber, it has a beneficial effect, especially in spring, on the human digestive system, normalizing the intestines. Unlike other radishes, black is the most high-calorie (35 kcal): 100 g of raw mass contains about 2 g of proteins, 6.5 g of carbohydrates and 0.2 g of fat. That does not at all prevent those who follow the figure from using it.

However, with gastritis, peptic ulcer with low acidity of gastric juice, enterocolitis, some diseases of the kidneys and heart, black radish should not be consumed. Also, keep in mind that black radish juice causes frequent urination.

Black radish Russian WinterRadish Margelanskaya


There is little rare oil in Chinese radish. Therefore, the taste of root crops is dietary, close to the taste of radish. This vegetable is also rich in vitamins and phytoncides, helping us to resist infection or recover faster. However, the value of this vegetable lies in its high amount of antioxidants and rich composition of mineral salts. In addition to calcium, sodium and potassium, Lobo radish contains iodine, sulfur, zinc, copper, iron, manganese and selenium. Therefore, Chinese radish should be consumed in regions where the likelihood of oncological diseases is high.

The nutritional value of the Chinese radish is lower than that of the European one: the calorie content of, for example, Margelanskaya radish is only 20 kcal.Therefore, this radish can be used on a strict salt-free diet and during prolonged fasting. Chinese radish dishes should be included in the diet in the heat, when working in hot shops and increased physical exertion, since salts leave the body with sweat. This radish will also help lovers of heavy food: its juice increases appetite, accelerates the decomposition of fats, and dietary fiber absorbs harmful products and removes them from the body.


Daikon is an even less spicy radish and contains about 18 kcal. Therefore, there are few restrictions on its use (daikon is excluded for kidney and liver diseases, gout, peptic ulcer disease). But it helps in the treatment of atherosclerosis, various cardiovascular diseases, as it removes harmful cholesterol, diabetes mellitus and radiation damage from the body in the early stages, since it eliminates radioactive elements and heavy metals from the body. By the way, the daikon itself weakly accumulates pollutants, so this radish is called an ecological vegetable.

Daikon Knight (Company PhotoDaikon (Company photo

Daikon also has cosmetic properties. The juice or gruel of the root vegetable strengthens the hair, accelerates the healing of purulent wounds, and helps to get rid of freckles and acne.


Oil radish - good green manure. It easily adapts to adverse conditions, tolerates both cool and hot dry weather. It actively and evenly absorbs nutrients along the entire soil profile, preventing the leaching of salts from the upper horizon, drains the soil, improving air permeability and moisture capacity, and protects the soil from wind erosion. Essential oils of oil radish inhibit the development of phytopathogenic bacteria, weed nematodes, thereby making the site healthy.

Oil radish is a good honey plant, and it secretes nectar even in cool weather, helping out beekeepers in spring and late summer, when other melliferous plants are still or are not blooming anymore. The green mass of oil radish is an excellent food for all types of animals, and its unripe pods can even be preserved like cucumbers.

Wild radishOil radish

Wild radish, or field - also a good honey plant, which blooms from June to late autumn. However, eating the leaves of the field radish for food can cause digestive upset. And farmers are trying to get rid of this plant, as it is a very annoying weed, although it is propagated exclusively by seeds. It is just that up to 12,000 of them can ripen on a plant. Seeds remain viable for 10 years, and germinate only in the second year. Therefore, in order to get rid of wild radish, it is important not to allow the plants to seed and regularly loosen the soil, covering the top layer to a depth of at least 10 cm.

Photos of the daikon are provided by the "Gavrish" company (www.seeds.gavrish.ru)

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