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Symbiotic preparations - stimulants of the rhizosphere

The ending. The beginning is in the articles:

  • Growth stimulants
  • Drugs that increase resistance to disease and stress
  • Root stimulation preparations

Agat-25K, Agropon, Albit, Mitsefit, NV-101, Ribav-Extra, Symbionta, Emistim



These are very interesting drugs, they help the plant enter into symbiosis (interaction) with the biota (the soil world, rich in bacteria and fungi). At the beginning of the growing season with active growth, the plant does not have enough phytohormones for normal development, and then, to eliminate this deficiency, the plant uses symbiosis with microorganisms, receiving phytohormone analogs from them and giving them in return nutrients released from the roots. Symbiotic drugs help in this process. Such treatments are especially useful at the beginning of the growing season, when the plant's need for stimulants is especially high.

Symbiotic drugs, stimulants of the rhizosphere can be called lifeguards, and not only for plant life, but also for people.

In the 50s, Comrade Stalin gave the order to plant protective forest belts in the steppe. But the forest trees in the steppe did not want to live in any way, despite the enormous efforts of the agronomists and even the instructions of Comrade T.D. Lysenko. Everyone knows how formidable and merciless the leader was when his orders were not carried out. The microbiologist Fanya Yurievna Geltser helped everyone out, who studied growth stimulants, including symbiotic mushrooms. She developed a technique for mycorrhization of seeds of tree species and oak acorns and, lo and behold, she grew not just forest plantations, but a whole forest, for which she was awarded the Order of Lenin.

Agat-25K (D.V. - culture fluid extract Pseudomonas aureofaciens H-16 + macro- and microelements) increases seed germination, enhances the development of the root system.

Agropon (D.V. culture fluid extract of micromycete Cylindrocarpon magnusianum) - activator of the plant's own symbionts, one of the most advanced new generation plant growth regulators (PPP).


Albite (D.V. - Bacillusmegaterium andPseudomonasaureofaciens + NPK + ME + BAS)... It is an effective complex biological product with the properties of a fungicide, complex fertilizer, and a universal plant growth regulator.


Mycefitis - a biostimulator of plant growth with a wide spectrum of action, contains metabolic products of mycorrhizal fungi, an activator of the plant's own symbionts.

HB-101, granules and solution

NV-101 - activator of the plant's own symbionts. It is recommended to be applied throughout the season, starting from the stage of soil preparation and seed treatment. Can be used for trees, shrubs, vegetables, flowers in very small concentrations (1: 1000). The drug has a complex effect: it nourishes, regulates growth, activates the immune system, reduces the content of harmful substances and increases the number of beneficial microorganisms in the soil. Available in liquid and granular form.

Before planting, spill the topsoil with HB-101 solution. Perform the procedure once / week / 3 weeks. This will significantly increase the content of beneficial microorganisms in the soil. HB-101 has an unlimited shelf life, does not require special storage conditions. But use the diluted drug immediately. Seeds are soaked in a solution (1-2 drops / 1 l) just before planting, flower seeds - for 12 hours, cruciferous, salads, herbs - for 3 hours, bulbous and corms - for 30 minutes. Seedlings are abundantly watered with HB-101 solution 1 hour before planting in a greenhouse or in open ground. It is recommended to spray any plantings with HB-101 solution once a week during the entire growing season from emergence to ripening. An excellent effect is provided by spraying the ovaries (1-2 drops / 1 l / 1 time per week), it is used to preserve cut flowers (2-3 drops / 1 l). HB-101 can be used with organic and chemical fertilizers, not with oil formulations and urea.But the greatest effect is achieved when using only one drug.



Ribav-Extra - a metabolic product of mycorrhizal fungi isolated from ginseng roots, contains a unique complex of natural amino acids, which has high biological activity in negligible doses, an analogue of the Symbiont drug.


The drug stimulates the development of the mycelium of beneficial fungi, which are in symbiosis with plant roots, and the synthesis of phytohormones, which leads not only to an increase in the growth and development of the root system, but also to an increase in resistance to diseases and unfavorable environmental factors.

The drug is best used twice, at the beginning of active growth, then as necessary, based on the state of the plant and the conditions of development. It is especially useful at the beginning of plant development, when there is usually a lack of phytohormones in the roots.

Preparation of Ribav-Extra solutions

  • 1 ml / 100 l of water - spraying of vegetative plants;
  • 1 ml / 10 l of water - soaking cuttings and roots of any planting material (1-12 hours), bulbs and corms (1-2 hours);
  • 1 ml / 10 l of water - root watering.

The drug is compatible with any plant protection products, microelements enhance its effect.

In fact, when you water the soil with rhizosphere stimulants, for example Ribav or HB-101, you stimulate soil formation in the rhizosphere zone, i.e. in the root zone.

The use of phytoregulators when planting plants

This should be the rule. Before planting, be sure to soak the plant to fill all water-carrying vessels, add small amounts of Kornerost or Heteroauxin (2-5 mg / l) to the soaking water. After planting and abundant watering at the beginning of growth, sprinkle with Ribav-Extra solution to eliminate the lack of phytohormones, sprinkle the crown with Domotsvet (or Zircon).

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