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Garden Gerbera Garvinea®

Garden Gerbera Garvinea Sweet Glow

This article will focus on a new variety of a garden plant that has only recently appeared on the Russian market. This is a garden gerbera - Garvinea® (Garvinea®), which, through selective selection, was prepared for various weather conditions, including the difficult climate of Russia.

Of course, many of us know gerbera in cut and in pots. The plant is very reminiscent of daisies and daisies, known and loved by us since childhood. The garden gerbera Garvinea® has absorbed the best decorative properties of the home gerbera, while increasing in size and becoming even brighter. The height of the plant, and specifically its green mass, reaches 40 cm, and the height of the stem with the peduncle is 50 cm, the size of the flower is up to 5 cm, and this is not the limit! Thanks to the efforts of breeders, almost every year new colorful varieties come out on the market, which surprise with their nobility and brightness of color, resistance to diseases and external influences.

Garden Gerbera Garvinea Sweet GlowGarden Gerbera Garvinea Sweet Honey

The history of the creation of the variety

Who owns the laurels of the creators of the new variety - Garvinea®? Dutch company Florist, which has been breeding and cultivating gerberas for over 45 years. The company's employees have long dreamed of developing a plant that will be resistant to temperature and humidity changes, and at the same time will demonstrate extraordinary decorative properties. Through a lot of trial and error for several years, the experts fought to develop a new variety, and their efforts were crowned with success! According to export manager Marcel van Wemde, Florist breeders turned to nature first. Having collected various types of gerbera in its original habitat, in South Africa, by pollination and crossing with the most winter-hardy plants, they received the unique Garvinea® in its properties. According to the creators, the plant has become more resistant to pests and diseases, more suitable for the climate of Europe, friendly to bees and other garden pollinators.

Garden Gerbera Garvinea


Features of planting and care

What other plant can boast consistent flowering from late April to early October? Garvinea® produces about 100 flowers in just one season, with at least three or even five blooming at the same time! You can pluck flowers by gently holding and pulling them out of the socket with your hands to decorate your home or collect a bouquet as a gift. Cutting off the stems with pruners is not recommended, as the cut site can rot and lead to plant disease. It is also better to remove faded flowers, so the plant will look more neat.

Garvinea® gives a festive feeling from any corner of the garden, wherever you plant it - it feels great in the sun and in partial shade. The plant should not be planted in the shade, as it needs sunlight, and moisture evaporates worse in poorly lit places. Gerbera prefers a moderately dry soil condition, therefore, if necessary, a little drainage fine mixture can be added to the hole so that moisture does not stagnate at the roots. The plant is watered at the root, it is better to do this in the morning, trying to avoid moisture getting into the outlet.

Garden Gerbera Sweet SurpriseGarden Gerbera Garvinea Sweet Mix

The garden gerbera is not very demanding on fertilization, but it will be grateful to you for additional feeding during the season. You will notice almost immediately that the foliage of Garvinea® becomes more vigorous and the flowers grow larger and taller. For the formation of peduncles and maintaining the brightness of the color, a regular daily regimen is important. Changes in day and night temperatures are very desirable for a garden gerbera, they contribute to the strengthening of its stems and regular flowering.

Garvinea® is friendly and attractive to insects and pollinators, making your garden and your vegetable garden more productive.

Garden Gerbera Garvinea Sweet MemoriesGarden Gerbera Garvinea Sweet SurpriseGarden Gerbera Garvinea Sweet Sixteen

Garvinea® in landscape decor

The decorative properties of the plant are so good that it can be planted in groups and decorated with borders.Garvinea® looks great in pots and other garden forms, goes well with various plants and decorative elements. In Western Europe, where the plant already rightfully occupies one of the first places on the shelves of garden centers, in parks and garden plots, there are many techniques for decorating home and public areas with it. In the photographs you can see how the plant looks advantageous, and it really brings "colors of joy" to the garden.

Garden Gerbera Garvinea Sweet SmileGarden Gerbera Garvinea Sweet Spice

Probably, after such a detailed description, many readers are worried about the question - is the plant perennial? For most of Russia, Garvinea® is one year old, as it is not able to survive the cold below -10 degrees. Although there have been examples of plant resistance at -20 ° C, but these were rare exceptions, which are now carefully studied by breeders of Florist Holland. You can try to save the plant until next season by placing the pot in a cool, dark place. The key in this case is not to forget to moisten the soil, then there is a chance to preserve Garvinea® before the onset of warmth. Perhaps in the future it will be able to withstand our "Siberian frosts", but for now, a perennial plant can only be considered in the south of Russia.

Garden Gerbera Garvinea Sweet MixGarden Gerbera Garvinea Sweet Mix

Relatively recently, a special property of the home gerbera was discovered and a new variety of garden gerbera Garvinea® including. It is the only flowering plant that cleans the air from harmful vapors, resins, benzene, which are emitted by various pieces of furniture, floor coverings and gasoline engines. The studies were carried out by an independent laboratory in Holland (link This is good news for those who care about a healthy microclimate in their home and garden.

Garden Gerbera Garvinea Sweet GlowGarden Gerbera Garvinea Sweet Memories

You can complete the description of this amazing and colorful plant with words that are very suitable for Garvinee®: let there be plants in your garden that give Pure Joy! We wish you every success in this!

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