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3 groups of marigold varieties

In culture, three types of marigolds are usually grown, each of which has many varieties, combined into variety groups or variety series. In each variety group, all varieties have the same height and shape of the inflorescence and differ only in color.

Earlier than others came to Europe marigolds erect... They form rather branched bushes, woody at the base. The color of the inflorescences is monochromatic, but the flowers can be very large - up to 15 cm in diameter. Most of the classic terry varieties belong to this particular type of marigold. Florists also call them African marigolds.

Have marigolds rejected inflorescences can be both double and non-double, and their size does not exceed 8 cm. But on one bush, a lot of flowers are formed - up to 100 in double and 200 in non-double varieties. Florists call this group of marigolds French. Unlike African marigolds, which have a very long growing season and are therefore grown exclusively through seedlings, French marigolds begin to bloom 40-50 days after germination. Therefore, they can be sown directly into open ground.

And finally, one more group - Marigolds are thin-leaved... The varieties belonging to this group are very easy to recognize. They have a compact, densely branched bush no more than 30 cm high with very small, strongly dissected leaves. Inflorescences are small (2-3 cm), non-double, there can be up to 400 of them on one plant!

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