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What are antioxidants and what are they eaten with?

In recent decades, the scientific community has been actively discussing the role of antioxidants in maintaining human health under conditions of constant stress. But to the common man in the street, scientific wars mean little. We need simple recommendations on what to eat and how to benefit the body and get rid of annoying sores. Now there are many drugs and food additives that are recommended for the prevention of almost all diseases - from colds to cancer, and there, as a rule, the magic words "antioxidant action" sound. What is it and what does it give to the body?

Let's start a little from afar, with facts well known from the school course. Travelers and wanderers, whose diet for obvious reasons was extremely scarce, often experienced various disorders, ailments and diseases. The first reliable information about these dangerous phenomena dates back to the beginning of the XIII century, and relates to diseases among the crews of ships. This so-called "sea scourge" became even more widespread in the second half of the 15th century, during voyages around the world. Such an epidemic befell, for example, the crew of Vasco de Gama in 1495 on its way to India, when more than a hundred of 160 people died. Nowadays, any schoolchild will say that they did not have enough vitamin C. But further research showed that everything was not so simple.

Sophora Japanese Four centuries later, scientists turned their attention to a group of natural substances found in plants - the so-called flavonoids. Their name comes from the Latin name "flavus" - yellow. The main role of these substances in the plant is to protect against the damaging effects of the sun's ultraviolet rays. Pharmacists and doctors have discovered that these compounds are very active in relation to the human body and named these substances bioflavonoids. For their discovery, Albert St. George was even awarded the Nobel Prize. He proposed to call bioflavonoids “vitamin P”, but this name did not catch on, as it turned out that this is not one substance, but a natural mixture. The most famous among flavonoids is rutin, which is contained not only in ascorutin tablets, which are prescribed for the prevention of bleeding with fragile capillaries, but also in buckwheat, sophora flowers, citrus fruits - that is why, with a relatively low content of vitamin C, they are so useful and effective.

Later it turned out that bioflavonoids have the ability to bind free radicals - very aggressive molecules that destroy the genome and cell membranes. And the result of this destructive activity is aging, atherosclerosis and even cancer.

It is noted that no class of natural substances has such a numerous and varied effect on the biological activity of human and animal cells as bioflavonoids. But the army of antioxidants is not limited only to bioflavonoids. These are substances with a different chemical structure, different antioxidant activity, and different availability for the body. For example, recently we hear such names as rosmarinic acid (it is found in many plants from the Lamb family, but was first discovered in rosemary) or resveratrol, which are more or less successfully extracted from grapes. In addition, it is well known to all of us vitamins A and E, as well as carotenoids, lycopene, zeaxanthin, lutein. What are these substances doing in our body?

Medicinal rosemary Medicinal rosemaryGrape

Antioxidants are highly effective in preventing the onset and progression of atherosclerosis. resist the formation of blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels.Antioxidants are the best "cleaner" of blood vessels, their use can significantly reduce the risk of hypertension, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction and stroke, as well as varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. An example of plants with such an effect can be hawthorn, rose hips, green vegetables (parsley, dill, celery, wild garlic), horse chestnut and hazel leaves, fruits and, especially, citrus peel.

Rose hipLemons

In diabetes, antioxidants effectively reduce the fragility of blood vessels (including eye capillaries), which allows them to be used for the successful prevention and treatment of diabetic retinopathy.

In oncological diseases, antioxidants have the ability to dramatically slow down the growth of tumors and prevent their development, which makes it possible to use them for the prevention of cancer and other oncological diseases, especially in poor environmental conditions.

The anti-inflammatory effect of antioxidants is due to the binding of histamine and histamine-like substances. An example of just such an action is the flavonoids of chamomile, mountaineer, tricolor violet, tripartite succession and marsh creeper. They have a tonic and revitalizing effect on the central nervous system. Antioxidants improve blood circulation and metabolism in the central nervous system, which accelerates the recovery of functions after damage to the central nervous system, improves memory, vision, and hearing. This is the basis of the adaptogenic effect of the Moldavian snakehead, the meadowsweet and the calming effect of the motherwort.

Violet tricolorSnakehead moldavian

The radioprotective effect of antioxidants is due to their high ability to bind and neutralize the damaging effect of free radicals formed when exposed to ionizing radiation. They can be used to prevent and treat radiation sickness. Therefore, any of the plants listed above will be helpful in this case.

MeadowsweetMotherwort five-bladed

The cosmetic effect of antioxidants provides effective protection of elastin and collagen (a protein of the connective tissue of the skin) from the destructive effects of free radicals, strengthens the interlacing of collagen fibers with the elastin chain. This significantly slows down the age-related processes of loss of firmness and elasticity of the skin, the appearance of wrinkles and age spots. This property of flavonoids is used by many leading cosmetic companies, but you can also take linden flowers, string, chamomile or elderberry flowers, birch leaf, brew them and use them for washing and lotions. And the well-known parsley mask?

Three-part successionParsley

In conclusion, we can say that there is an antioxidant effect, and the inclusion of substances with this effect in the diet and preventive teas is a solid investment in your health and longevity. Moreover, plants containing these substances are available and can be found both in the store and in your own garden, which, unlike pharmaceutical food supplements, is quite inexpensive.

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