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Lilies for a bouquet, odorless and pollen

Everyone knows that lilies have a fantastic appearance. These beauties are widely known for their bright colors, strong aromas and unique elegance. But with all this, many deprive themselves of the pleasure that living lilies can provide, because they worry about the stains that their pollen can leave or because of the strong scent of these flowers. Did you know that lily scent or pollen stains are no longer a problem? Intensive breeding work with lilies made it possible to find solutions to these problems.

Many people really like the sweet scent of lilies, and some do not like the scent of lilies to the point that they try to avoid it, even if they consider lilies to be very beautiful flowers. Fortunately, as a result of hybridization, odorless varieties of lilies have been bred. Odorless lilies have been found in the Asiatic group. Compared to other groups, Asiatic lilies have more graceful flowers and are characterized by a wide range of colors and their combinations. Therefore, if you want to admire the lilies, but not inhale their aroma, then now you know exactly which lilies you need to buy in the store.

There are several options for getting rid of pollen stains: buy lilies without pollen, and for lilies with pollen, you need to pinch off the anthers or spray the anthers with hairspray. If you do find lily pollen on your favorite couch, rug or blouse, don't panic! The main thing is not to try to wipe off or remove the pollen with a damp cloth - this will only lead to the appearance of a stain and will seriously worsen the situation. Best solution: Blow off the pollen, brush off with a dry brush, dry in the sun, or remove with a piece of sticky adhesive tape.

By the way, did you know that there are terry lilies? In the groups of Asian and Oriental hybrids, there are varieties of lilies, which instead of 6 petals in a flower have 12, 18 and even 24 petals! These lilies also have another peculiarity: they do not form pollen. For you, this means a double benefit: no odor and no pollen stains.

If you bought or received a gorgeous bouquet of lilies as a gift, try to extend their life in the vase and enjoy them as long as possible. Cut off the ends of the stems at an angle of 2-3 centimeters and remove any leaves that may be under the water in the vase. Pour fresh water into a thoroughly washed vase. Your lilies look amazing!

Based on materials iBulb

Photo by iBulb 

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