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Green lawn with agricultural products "Ecostyle"

ECOstyle is a leading European manufacturer of fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, lawns, crop protection products and other products for professionals and hobby gardeners.

Ecostyle's preparations are flawless from an environmental point of view and have high efficiency, which has become possible due to the use of modern achievements of soil microbiology.

In the 90s of the last century, Ecostyle received the Richard Huberts Award for an innovative approach to the maintenance of football pitches and sports turf. The company has developed a special concept based on a variety of tests, which makes it possible to consistently obtain flawless sports fields of the best quality for the same money as with the use of mineral fertilizers.

As a result, the Dutch authorities were able to use natural, environmentally friendly products for landscaping, and lawn maintenance companies received a number of significant advantages in the form of a tangible reduction in the labor intensity of the process. It was required to apply Ecostyle preparations only 2-3 times a year, the requirements for watering were radically reduced, in most cases there was no need for regular mechanical aeration of the lawn. All these properties were achieved due to the use of soil microorganisms (bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi) in the composition of agricultural preparations, which take on a huge part of this work.

Currently, more than 50% of lawns in the Netherlands are grown using Ecostyle technologies, the company annually expands its presence on the market, which is the best confirmation of the effectiveness and demand for its products.

The drugs are manufactured at the Neudorf factories in Germany, sold in European markets under different brands:

  • Ecostyle (ECOstyle, - for the markets of the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Scandinavia;
  • "Neudorf" (Neudorff, - supplied to the markets of Germany, Austria, France and other countries.

Fertilizer "Gazon-AZ" (Gazon-Azet)

Fertilizer "Gazon-AZ" (Gazon-Azet)Specialized, 100% natural, granular organic fertilizer with soil microorganisms for lawns, NPK 9-3-5... Available in two standard sizes:

solid dark-colored granules of a cylindrical shape, with a diameter of 3.5 and a length of 3 to 9 mm (the average length is 6 mm);

hard crumb of dark color, a ground version of the above granules. Used for on-line application in the Green zone.

After the first abundant watering, the fertilizer disintegrates to a powdery state and visually merges with the soil.

Composition Fertilizers "Gazon-AZet":

  • Bactosol (organic mass obtained from soy flour as a result of a bacterial-enzymatic process);
  • feather flour;
  • bone flour;
  • stillage (obtained from sugar products);
  • seaweed meal;
  • soil microorganisms (bacteria and fungi).

Dolomite lime "AZ-kalk" (AZet-Kalk)

Dolomite lime "AZ-kalk" (AZet-Kalk)100% natural granulated dolomite lime with azotobacter bacteria. It is a solid round white granules with an average diameter of 4 mm (range 1-5 mm).

Composition of AZet-Kalk lime:

  • main active ingredient: more than 75% calcium carbonate (CaCO3);
  • 5.3 - 5.5% magnesium carbonate (MgCO3);
  • rock;
  • nitrogen fixing bacteria Azotobacter.

Terra Fertiel

Terra FertielMicrobiological soil activator. It is a hard granules of dark color with a complex shape, 2-4 mm in size.

The composition of the soil activator "Terra Fertiel":

Bactosol (organic mass obtained from soy flour as a result of a bacterial-enzymatic process);

cocoa husk;


natural bentonite;

natural limestone;

soil microorganisms (bacteria and fungi).

To maintain lawns, others are also used organic fertilizers with soil microorganisms, produced by the Ecostyle company.

All offered agricultural products are compatible with professional mechanical fertilizer spreaders.

More details about the properties and advantages of the Ecostyle agro-products can be found on the website

The quality of Ecostyle products is confirmed by State certificates, as well as by the results of toxicological examination of fertilizers in a state-accredited laboratory of the Research Institute of Agriculture.


Bookmarking and maintenance of sports fields

In this area, the largest clients of Ecostyle are communities Bladel and Amersfoort, uniting municipalities of cities and villages (in Holland, sports fields are usually owned by such organizations).

In total, these two communities maintain 52 hectares of sports fields, which are maintained using the following fertilization patterns:

Fertilizer "Gazon-AZ"... 600 kg per hectare (600 g / 10 m2) in spring and 400-600 kg per hectare (400-600 g / 10 m2) in summer. The exact dosage of the second application may vary depending on the soil fertility (normal / poor soils) and the mowing conditions (for example, with regular mowing, it is recommended to leave the mowed grass in the fields), which makes it possible to reduce fertilizer consumption.

These fertilizer dosages can be considered the minimum for a good result.

Dolomite lime "AZ-Kalk" with a bacterium azotobacter... When caring for lawn fields on soils with a normal structure and a pH of at least 5.5, lime is applied once a year at a dosage of 0.5-1 kg / 10 m2 to prevent soil acidification, maintain the required calcium level in it, good structure and activity of soil microorganisms.

Dosages of lime in the range of 0.5-1 kg / 10 m2 are considered preventive and allow maintaining the pH of the soil and its structure in a stable state from year to year.

Annual application of lime has a positive effect on the biological health of the lawn, provides the lawn with a richer green color, suppresses the development of moss and the development of dandelions.

In cases where the pH is below 5.5, it is necessary to normalize the acidity of the soil, which requires an increase in the doses of lime in accordance with the instructions in the instructions for the preparation. Later, within 1-2 years, the acidity and structure of such soils returns to normal and the dosage of lime is gradually reduced to prophylactic.

When laying and reconstructing lawn fields, the application of AZ-Kalk lime is carried out according to the instructions for the preparation.

The practical experience of specialists from the Bladel and Amersfoort communities on the use of AZ-Kalk lime on Dutch lawn fields showed that the average initial dosage of lime was 1-1.5 kg / 10 m2, then within one to two years they decreased to 0.5 kg / 10 m2.

Lime begins to act very quickly and can be applied at any time of the year. It is recommended to do this in spring, simultaneously with the first application of organic fertilization.

Soil activator "Terra Fertiel" is a high-tech microbiological preparation and is used when laying new fields, reconstructing old ones, as well as in the presence of serious problems with the soil. The drug allows you to almost instantly (in 1-2 weeks) revive the activity of the soil and, in combination with organic fertilization, change the color of the lawn grass to a rich green. When laying new fields, it stimulates the growth of all parts of the plant, and also provides it with protection from diseases.

After the completion of the field reconstruction, or in the case of serious problems with the soil (structure, composition) for the activation of soil microorganisms responsible for plant nutrition, the recommended dose is 0.5-1 kg / 10 m2.

When laying a new field, the best results are obtained by a combination of standard dosages (1 kg / 10 m2) of three preparations - activator "Terra Fertiel", lawn fertilizer "Gazon-AZet" and lime "AZet-Kalk" (in the case of acidic soils, the dosage of lime is increased according to instructions).

Terra Fertiel is not a substitute for organic fertilizer.

Important note: Ecostyle preparations completely provide the lawn with nutrition, so the use of any other mineral fertilizers in the fields is not required.

It should also be noted that the conditions of each lawn field are individual - over time, after 1-2 years, dosages can be optimized based on data on the practical use of drugs.

Golf course bookmarking and maintenance

In this area, the exclusive supplier of Ecostyle solutions in the Netherlands is the company Flevo Green Support (, which provides a full cycle of golf courses.

At the moment, the company successfully serves about 15 courses using Ecostyle products, and also resells Gazon-AZ fertilizer for golf clubs under its own trademark Eco Green Aanzet.

Flevo Green Support's recommendations regarding the dosage of Gazon-AZ fertilizer are as follows:

For Green and Pitch zones

In the case of sandy (poor in organic matter) soils, the company applies the following fertilization scheme "Gazon-AZ":

for every 10 m2 of the field, 800 g is applied in the spring, 600 g in the middle of summer and 600 g in the fall. In total, this is the standard dose recommended by the manufacturer, but with a modified dosing schedule.

For the Fairway zone

600 g / 10 m2 in spring to keep the grass green and healthy. The summer dose, depending on the customer's requirements for the zone, may not be applied.

For the Rough zone

Depending on the customer's requirements, either no fertilization is applied to this zone at all, or a single application in spring at a dosage of 600 g / 10 m2 is used in order to maintain the rich green color of the grass.

The use of lime and soil activator is generally similar to the experience of the Bladel and Amersfoort communities. Flevo Green Support's recommended pH range for lawn fields is 5.5 - 6.

The use of Ecostyle fertilizers guarantees the highest results, a tangible reduction in labor intensity and overall costs for field maintenance!

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