Useful information

Chubushniki. Care and reproduction

In order to have an abundantly blooming mock-orange in your garden every year, you need to choose a sunny place for it - in partial shade its flowering is weakened. In the shade, the leaf blade becomes thinner, and in the sun its thickness increases, and the leaf becomes more durable. Chubushniki grow well on fresh fertilized soils with sufficient moisture, but they also tolerate poorer ones. They do not tolerate saline soils with a close standing groundwater. It is advisable to carry out at least 2-3 feeding per season (before August 15) with mullein infusion.

It must also be remembered that chubushniki need to regularly remove old 4-5-year-old branches, since the bush is constantly rejuvenating due to new shoots. It is recommended (especially for varietal chubushniks) annually after flowering to subject the bushes to sanitary pruning, removing the crowns directed inward, as well as weak, broken off and shaded shoots.

Varietal chubushniki are propagated vegetatively: by dividing the bush, by root shoots, and to obtain a large amount of planting material - by summer semi-lignified (green) cuttings before or during the flowering period. Cuttings are planted in ridges prepared in autumn, cold greenhouses. Lignified cuttings take root somewhat worse, since they have a loose core.

Species chubushniki can be propagated by seeds, with seed reproduction, chubushniki bloom after 5-8 years. Sowing seeds is carried out in autumn, winter in snow and in spring; they do not need stratification. In autumn, seeds are sown in specially prepared ridges, and in winter, on a warm sunny day, directly into furrows made in the snow cover at a seed consumption rate of 25 g / m2 to a depth of 25-30 cm, depending on the depth of the snow cover over the bed prepared in autumn. The bed is covered with cut branches and dry grass stalks. After the snow melts, the branches and straw are removed, and the shoots that appear then are shaded.

In the spring, sowing is carried out in greenhouses or in a greenhouse on racks, boxes. Seeding rates are reduced to 0.5-1 g / m2. To accelerate germination, before sowing, the seeds are immersed in a bag of nylon stocking in water or an epin solution for 1-2 hours at room temperature, and then the bag is placed in a wet substrate - peat, sawdust, moss - for two days to swell. After that, the seeds are dried on a sheet of paper, mixed with sand and sown in grooves, lightly sprinkled with peat or sifted compost.

Tatiana Dyakova

(Based on the materials of the magazine "In the world of plants, No. 8, 2003)

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